David Dastmalchian

Interview: Cameron and Colin Cairnes on Late Night With the Devil, Don Lane inspiration, and not auditioning David Dastmalchian

After breaking out at last year’s SXSW Film & TV Festival, where our own Peter Gray heralded the film as one that “enjoys melding the modern sensibilities of the found footage genre with the bold mentality of horror movies gone by” (you can read the full review here), Late Night With the Devil is finally…

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Film Review: Late Night With the Devil; Nasty, yet fun, horror outing creatively flips the expected tropes of the genre

“Before we continue I’d like to apologize to anyone who might be upset or offended by what you saw before the break. It’s not every day you see a demonic possession on live television.” Not the most typical sentence you’d expect to hear from a late night host, but such is the statement made by…

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Late Night With the Devil is a twisted take on the “found footage” horror film: Brisbane International Film Festival Review

“Before we continue I’d like to apologize to anyone who might be upset or offended by what you saw before the break. It’s not every day you see a demonic possession on live television.” Not the most typical sentence you’d expect to hear from a late night host, but such is the statement made by…

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Late Night With the Devil is a healthy twist on the “found footage” subsect of horror: Melbourne International Film Festival Review

“Before we continue I’d like to apologize to anyone who might be upset or offended by what you saw before the break. It’s not every day you see a demonic possession on live television.” Not the most typical sentence you’d expect to hear from a late night host, but such is the statement made by…

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Late Night With the Devil has occasionally nasty, always unbridled fun with the “found footage” horror genre: Sydney Film Festival Review

“Before we continue I’d like to apologize to anyone who might be upset or offended by what you saw before the break. It’s not every day you see a demonic possession on live television.” Not the most typical sentence you’d expect to hear from a late night host, but such is the statement made by…

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Late Night With the Devil melds modern horror sensibilities with the boldness of genre pieces gone by: SXSW Film & TV Festival Review

“Before we continue I’d like to apologize to anyone who might be upset or offended by what you saw before the break. It’s not every day you see a demonic possession on live television.” Not the most typical sentence you’d expect to hear from a late night host, but such is the statement made by…

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Film Review: Ant-Man and the Wasp (USA, 2018) is the perfect antidote from the doom and gloom of Avengers: Infinity War

The superhero film boom continues! After the gloom-and-doom of Avengers: Infinity War, we now have the sequel to the miniature superhero franchise, Ant-Man and the Wasp. Free from the shackles of predetermined disappointment after the absence of original director Edgar Wright from the first film, returning director Peyton Reed and lead actor/co-writer Paul Rudd truly…

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