David Morrissey

David Morrissey on The Governor vs Negan, The Walking Dead and playing polarising characters (EXCLUSIVE)

We had the opportunity to meet and chat with actor David Morrissey, the first part of our interview discussing his new series The Missing. However most Australian and American audiences would be more familiar with Morrissey as The Governor in The Walking Dead or going back even earlier in the musical comedy Blackpool. We couldn’t…

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David Morrissey talks The Missing Series 2; guarantees you’ll be shocked and surprised by the British crime thriller

The British are known for their high concept dramas and over the years we’ve had some great series such as Life On Mars, Whitechapel, Broadchurch and The Missing on our screens. The latter, The Missing, will be returning to BBC First Australia on Foxtel commencing Sunday 5 March for its second series. We sat down…

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Five reasons why British crime drama The Missing is the hot new mini-series to watch

The British are known for their heavy suspense filled drama series and Foxtel’s BBC First Australia are delivering us quite a few. One of these, Series 2 of The Missing, returns with a brand new case and an almost entirely new cast. For more about this series you can read our interview with lead actor David Morrissey. We were…

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