Dead Rising 4

Dead Rising 4: Frank’s Big Package (PS4, 2017) delivers a sleigh of mixed content

First things first, Dead Rising 4: Frank’s Big Package has a great sense of humour, as you can tell from the title, and its original release on the Xbox One was received well enough that PlayStation fans can now get a piece of the action as well.

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Video Games Review: Dead Rising 4 (Xbox One, 2016) is dumb as hell and that’s exactly why we love it

For an industry that spends so much of its time focused on getting things done in time for the Christmas season, video games themselves do not seem to give much of a shit about Christmas as a setting. Dead Rising 4 is one of only a handful of games I can think of in recent years…

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Video Games Interview: Joe Nickolls talks Dead Rising 4

With Xbox FanFest and EB Expo both kicking off over the weekend, we had a chance to chat with Joe Nickolls, studio director of Capcom Vancouver, currently developing Dead Rising 4. We pelted him with questions about the upcoming invent-your-own-mayhem zombie adventure title.

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10 Things You Need To Check Out At EB Expo This Weekend

The EB Expo kicks off tomorrow and if you’re still wondering what you’re going to do with yourself at such a huge show, relax, we’ve got you covered. Here’s our top 10 things to see at the convention!

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More Details Revealed About XBOX FANFEST: Sydney 2016

Xbox has announced some exciting new information about Xbox FanFest: Sydney 2016. If you are one of the lucky 250 free ticket holders, you will get to experience a host of interactive experiences, meet and greet with industry developers and score some cool Xbox swag.

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E3 2016: Dead Rising 4 allegedly leaks ahead of E3

Could Dead Rising 4 have leaked ahead of a possible announcement next week? If these images from Reddit and This Gen Gaming are to believed, that may be be the case.

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