Detective Pikachu

Film Review: Pokémon Detective Pikachu (USA/Japan, 2019) is an excellent buddy comedy based off a quirky video game

Video games have generally had a fairly bad run when it comes to movie adaptations. Either they veer too far away from their source material and lose their gamer fans, or they lean too far into it and go over the heads of mainstream audiences. So when it was announced that they were making a…

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Writers of Guardians of the Galaxy and Gravity Falls to pen live-action Pokemon movie

Variety reports that writers Nicole Perlman and Alex Hirsch are in negotiations to pen Legendary’s upcoming live-action Pokemon film (yes, that’s a thing) based around the recently introduced character “Detective Pikachu”. This news follows the announcement earlier this year that Legendary had gotten their hands on the rights to the Pokemon franchise. The deal came about…

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