Detroit: Become Human

PlayStation turns Detroit: Become Human helper android loose in Sydney, Australians predictably alarmed

Quantic Dream’s newest cinematic, choice-based adventure title Detroit: Become Human hit store shelves this week. Adored by our reviewer and reviled by others, the game was always going to be a polarising one. To capitalise on the hype surrounding the game and its story about humans treating androids as awfully as they treat each other,…

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Games Review: Detroit: Become Human (PS4, 2018): Quantic Dream goes back to the future

Detroit: Become Human is finally upon us. Quantic Dream have had players waiting for over four years for their follow-up to the Beyond: Two Souls. Detroit is, in many ways, the end point of Quantic’s “Kara” tech demo from 2012. It’s disarming, strange, interesting and delves deep into the uncanny valley.

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5 video games we’re looking forward to in 2018

It’s a new year, which means that there’s gonna be a lot of new releases. Its also 2018, which means that we’re gonna get our hands on soo many amazing titles. It was hard enough to narrow my list down to just 5 games, but these are the ones that I know with 100% certainty…

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Opinion: The scare campaign against Detroit: Become Human over domestic violence misses the point entirely

Quantic Dream’s forthcoming narrative-heavy adventure title Detroit: Become Human has rather abruptly found itself at the centre of a controversy regarding its month-old trailer from Paris Games Week.

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PSX17SEA: Hands on: Detroit: Become Human (PS4)

Being a massive fan of Quantic Dream’s previous titles like Beyond: Two Souls and Heavy Rain, as soon as I got into the venue, I made a beeline to the booth. The demo on the floor was the same available at E3, where you play as Connor, an android negotiator working with the Detroit PD…

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PSX17SEA: Highlights from PlayStation Experience 2017 South East Asia

The first ever PlayStation Experience held in Kuala Lumpur went down this weekend and we were there to take it all in! Read on as our correspondent in KL, Jasmin Giebel-Osman, takes you through the highs, lows and best games from Malaysia’s first taste of the PlayStation Experience!

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E3 2017: Detroit: Become Human is going to make you answer some hard questions

In an era where people are divided on all sides of the political aisle, demand has been rising for a game that takes these issues seriously and opens up a dialogue. That game may well be Detroit: Become Human, the new title from Quantic Dream. Quantic Dream are known for their cinematic, quicktime event heavy approach…

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