Devil May Cry

Devil May Cry 5 Review: A S-S-Stylish Return for a Devilish Franchise

Devil May Cry 5 is a game that might never have existed without its vocal fanbase. While I enjoyed the DmC reboot of 2013, probably more so than most, I missed the original game series sorely. The announcement of the main franchise’s return had me drooling the minute I saw it, and after all this…

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PAX Aus 2018: 6 Games That Shined On The Show Floor

With PAX Australia done and dusted, there comes time for introspection and assessment. Dozens of games from across the industry made appearances on the show floor, with some leaving far more of an impression than others. What follows is a run down of the best that PAX had to offer, and the games that shone…

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Games Review: Bayonetta (Nintendo Switch, 2018): Still got it, baby

It’s hard to imagine that Bayonetta was released nearly 10 years-ago now and the apparently superior sequel Bayonetta 2 was 4 years ago! With the newly released Switch port arriving this month, for the most part, it honestly feels like it was made for it today, it just ages well and for a guy that…

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