
Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred succeeds at strengthening and expanding upon the core experience

I’ve dabbled in the Diablo games for almost two decades now. But I have to say, Diablo 4 still stands as my favourite. It simply refined and deepened every mechanic and aspect of the overall franchise, and kept me around for months after my official review. Over a year later, Diablo 4 has released its…

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Halsey and SUGA team up for Diablo 4 anthem

Halsey has announced her team-up with BTS artist SUGA, to celebrate the release of Diablo 4 with their new anthem, Lilith. Based on Diablo 4’s new villain, this track, along with an official video clip, truly sums up the tone of the game, while Halsey herself seemingly transitions into Lilith throughout the video. She announced…

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Game Review: Diablo 4 is the best the series has ever been

I had never really played much of the Diablo series. While I had played each of them in some way or at some point in my life, they’ve never really stuck with me. Be it the ageing mechanics and visuals of Diablo and Diablo II on the PC, to the early days of Diablo III,…

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Game Preview: Hands on with Diablo IV’s open beta

I must admit, for as popular as Diablo III has been since its launch, it had never managed to grab me, nor keep me around for more than a couple of months after its release. That being said, Diablo IV’s open beta seemed like the perfect opportunity to become reacquainted with the franchise that might…

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Diablo 2 Resurrected technical alpha

Diablo 2 Resurrected Technical Alpha Impressions: Preserved in amber

The first thing you notice about the0 Diablo 2 Resurrected technical alpha is the way it looks just the way you remember it. The (by today’s standards) low-res models and environments have given way to a crisp, clean visual overhaul. It’s exactly the kind of remaster a community like the one that clings to Diablo…

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BlizzCon 2018: Diablo Immortal takes the series to mobile, internet burns itself down

Despite Blizzard’s clear warnings that fans should “temper their expectations” regarding any announcements made at BlizzCon this year, the internet has gone nuclear over Diablo Immortal, a fully fledged version of the popular ARPG for iOS and Android mobiles. The announcement came at the end of today’s BlizzCon keynote address/show-and-tell and it was hard not…

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Games Review: Diablo III: Eternal Collection (Switch, 2018) is an elegant, deeply satisfying couch co-op experience

And now, a take that may be controversial: Diablo 3 is way better on console than it is on PC. No seriously, hear me out on this one. While Diablo 3 has been available on the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 for some time, this is the game’s first appearance on the Nintendo Switch or,…

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End of an era: Blizzard to retire the Battle.net name

Blizzard Entertainment have indicated that they will be “transitioning away from” Battle.net, the name the company has used to denote its multiplayer services since Diablo‘s release in 1996, citing confusion over the name from outside parties.

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