
Screen Australia announces $2.9 Million in funding for 10 Documentaries

Screen Australia has announced it will be funding a total $2.9 million towards 10 Documentary Producer and Documentary Commissioned Programs. This announcement includes funding for a Black Saturday ABC feature, alongside a feature behind now retired AFL legend Adam Goodes. Liz Stevens, Senior Manager of Documentary at Screen Australia commented on the news, stating, “Documentary is…

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Screen Australia and The Guardian to fund four online documentary short films

The Guardian have announced, in collaboration with Screen Australia, the four projects that have been selected to receive funding from their joint initiative announced in August last year: The Big Wait, Los Rambos, Operations from the Bottom and Where the River Runs Red.  All four films have been created by early career filmmakers, covering both…

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Screen Australia to fund an adaptation of Jimmy Barnes’ memoir Working Class Boy and 11 other Documentary projects

Screen Australia has announced funding for 12 documentary projects through the Documentary Producer and Commissioned programs. The list of projects includes an adaptation of Jimmy Barnes’ memoir Working Class Boy, The Fight, a feature length version of Violeta Ayala and Daniel Fallshaw’s award-winning short film of the same name, and a second season of Filthy…

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ACMI to host exclusive limited season of political documentary Weiner

World politics is a joke right now considering what we see on television. It’s become a routine to roll our eyes on every Australian Politician and Donald Trump’s idiocy of banning immigrants to the U.S borders. Good news for those who love watching political documentaries as ACMI in Melbourne will be showcasing Weiner to the…

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