Dragon Quest

Nintendo Switch Broadcast: Launch titles and beyond

Nintendo have revealed a few of the titles on the launch lineup for their upcoming Nintendo Switch console during this afternoon’s console-centric livestream, including The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

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Video Games Review: Dragon Quest Builders (PS4, 2016)

Dragon Quest is one of the most venerable franchises in the history of video game role players. In its homeland of Japan, the series has spent its lifetime frequently and handily beating the sales all other comers, even genre titans like Final Fantasy, but in recent years has seen a bit of a drop off as…

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Dragon Quest 10 and 11 become first known games for the Nintendo NX

Dragon Quest 10 and 11 are in development for the Nintendo NX, the mysterious new machine from the venerable publisher. The news comes from a Square Enix news conference in Japan overnight (translated by Kotaku).

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