Dylan & Zoey

Interview: Claudia Doumit on labour of love, Dylan & Zoey; “This film feels like a safe space for trauma.”

Australian-born Claudia Doumit may best be known for her deceptively sinister turn as Victoria Neuman in the television series The Boys, but it’s roles in films such as Dylan & Zoey that should truly keep her on the map. As the indie drama releases in US theatres and On Demand, Claudia spoke with our Peter…

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Film Review: Dylan & Zoey tackles sensitive subject matter in an intelligent fashion

Initially, it can’t be denied, Dylan & Zoey does adhere to certain rules that the “Indie film playbook” so often lays out for new filmmakers to navigate.  This is by no means a criticism of Matt Sauter‘s film, merely an observation that the simplistic settings, dialogue-heavy characters and their societal views, and “me against the…

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