To say that Amazon’s Kindle Oasis is one of the nicest e-readers I’ve ever used would be to undersell it. Amazon are so good at building these devices by now that there’s almost no room in the market for anyone else. But, for good or ill, it’s also quite clear that Amazon have taken their…
Read moreThe Kindle Oasis e-reader is beautiful, slim, light as a feather and feature-rich, but it also commands a price point that will sound like a joke to many. Price aside, if you’re looking to buy a Kindle and then never need another one ever again, this is the one to buy.
Read moreThis past month, I went hands on with the Kobo Glo HD, one of the many competitors in the eReader space. Once dominated by the Kindle, Kobo represents the many brands trying to one-up their rival with a better UX, more attractive design and improved functionality. Everything about the Kobo focuses on ease of use, which is…
Read moreGlobal retailer Amazon has unveiled the newest model of their Kindle e-Reader line. Called Kindle Oasis, the new e-reader is packed with features and an updated Paperwhite display, but it also comes with a hefty price tag.
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