EB Games

EB Games unveils EB World Plus, a new paid membership that offers extra rewards and perks

EB Games had been teasing this one for the past couple of days, and I was admittedly intrigued to see what this might bring. A new level perhaps? Would that fabled Level V card be available to everyone this time around? Unfortunately, that’s not the case. Enter EB World Plus. Available as of 9 am…

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PS5 preorders

PS5 preorders are now live at EB Games

EB Games just put their PS5 preorders live. This is not a drill. You can preorder either the standard or digital-only consoles via the EB Games website right now, with a $200 deposit. EB are also pulling in some sweet trade deals if you don’t have enough cash lying around to pay full fare. The…

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Look at this beautiful Animal Crossing: New Horizons inspired Switch

Nintendo has unveiled a special edition of its popular Switch console, inspired by the upcoming Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Look at it. So simple. So beautiful. As charming and soothing as any Animal Crossing game. The redress starts with pastel blue and green coloured Joy-Cons with white wrist straps. The Switch unit itself features a…

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PlayStation’s huge Days of Play sale returns in June

PlayStation’s Days of Play promotion will kick off next month with a range of discounts across games, hardware and accessories. If you’ve been waiting, saving your pennies for the right moment to scoop some PS4 gear on the cheap, your moment has finally arrived. The Days of Play promotion will run from 7th – 17th June at…

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We’re not spoiled for choice with gaming merch in Australia

I’ve been looking everywhere for what might be good gaming merchandise. I’ve trawled through official sites, brick-and-mortar stores and even outlets like Red Bubble. I have to admit, there’s not a whole lot of variety across all three of these, and what’s there is usually not that good, covered in brands or weird quotes or…

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Insomniac’s Spider-Man Gets Release Date and Awesome Collector’s Edition

Insomniac Games have unveiled the contents of the Collector’s Edition for their upcoming PS4 exclusive Spider-Man and (finally) a release date!

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EB Expo’s return to the Gold Coast is a successful one

This weekend saw the EB Expo return to its roots, overtaking the Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre for the first time in five years. It was, by all accounts, a successful homecoming.

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Nintendo Switch: How much is Nintendo’s newest console actually going to cost you?

Nintendo have finally announced Australian pricing on their upcoming Switch console, and we’ve got the full list to help you adjust your gaming budget for March 3.

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The Iris’ EB Games Expo 2016 Awards

PlayStation’s VR is almost ready to be unleashed on a public that largely has very little idea of what awaits them. That idea became a little clearer after EB Expo though, one of the general public’s first real chances to go hands-on with this beautiful piece of immersive tech, with a handful of demos designed…

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EB Games to give away first Fire/Water type Pokemon, Volcanion

Gone are the days of catching them all in-game, it seems. Now, EB Games just gives you a damn code and you get a new Pokemon. The trials and tribulations of a Pokemon trainers are so crazy.

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The largest EB Games store in the world opens in Sydney today

Video games retailer EB Games is opening its flagship Sydney store tonight, a blend of EB Games and its sister store Zing Pop Culture and the largest in the worldwide chain’s network of stores. 

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Pokéfans, you can pick up mythical Pokémon Hoopa from certain Australian retailers starting next week

Nintendo have announced that fans of Pokémon X, Y, Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire will be able to add the mythical pokémon Hoopa to their collections simply by stopping by specific retailers. Find out which ones after the jump.

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