
Eden; Ron Howard’s survivalist true story thriller is a provocative piece of work: TIFF 2024 Review

So often across cinematic history has it been proven that fact is stranger than fiction, and in the case of Ron Howard‘s Eden, the crazier humanity proves themselves to be, the more seeped in reality their stories are. And it’s what makes Eden – arguably Howard’s most exciting project in over a decade – all…

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Film Review: Eden (France, 2014) – Special ACMI Screening

When faced with the challenge of representing over 20 years of the evolution of “French Touch”, a music genre inspired by American Garage, it can be difficult to know where to start. Directed by french auteur Mia Hansen-Love and co-written with her DJ brother Sven Love, Eden is somewhat an autobiographical film taking inspiration from…

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Golden Age Sydney to host exclusive screenings of Eden about the “French Touch” house music scene

Our favourite boutique bar and cinema, Golden Age, is going to be holding exclusive Sydney screenings of the film Eden, charting the rise of “French Touch” house music, a genre that heralded the likes of Daft Punk and Cassius. There have been five screenings announced, which kick off this Thursday. Accompanying the Friday screening will also be Paul…

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