Eidos Montreal

Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy Review: The Heroes We Deserve

I have to be honest. After publisher Square Enix’s last Marvel themed outing, Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy instilled a sizeable amount of doubt within me. Sure, Marvel’s Avengers was a fun cooperative experience, but it lacked any depth and heart. It seems as though the second time is the charm, as Marvel’s Guardians of…

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Guardians of the Galaxy

E3 2021: Guardians of the Galaxy game coming from Eidos Montreal

Eidos Montreal is making a single-player action game around Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy. The game puts players in control of Peter Quill, Star Lord, as he and the still newly-formed Guardians eke out a living in some of the galaxy’s sketchiest locales. The Guardians roster consists of the same line up from James Gunn’s…

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Games Review: Shadow of the Tomb Raider (PS4, 2018) lives in the silhouette of two better titles

The closest media analogue I can think of for Shadow of the Tomb Raider is Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. I’m sure I’m the latest in a long line of critics to make this comparison, but it’s an apt one on just about every level. Shadow represents a stark shift in tone, character…

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E3 2018: Shadow of the Tomb Raider gets huge new trailers during Square Enix press briefing

After a quick look at gameplay during the Xbox presser yesterday, the Square Enix E3 press brief gave us two more glimpses of the game in action.

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