Ella Hunt

Saturday Night envelops with its charm and riotous humour: TIFF 2024 Review

For almost 50 years, Saturday Night Live has been an institution of (primarily) American culture.  Every weekend it invites audiences to surrender to the thrill of live television, where anything could go wrong at any given moment, amongst a staple of regular segments and musical performances.  Its structure has shifted over time, but the core…

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Film Review: Anna and the Apocalypse (UK, 2017) is funny, romantic, appropriately gory and deliriously catchy

When you think of zombie comedies, it’s difficult to look beyond the witty brilliance that is Edgar Wright’s Shaun of the Dead (2004).  Whilst we’ve had our share of interesting takes on the walking dead in the years since, the arrival of Anna and the Apocalypse stands as the choreographed high-kick the genre needed.  Not…

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