Ernest Ellis

Re-Discovery: 40 of the best songs from the last decade you need back in your life

We’re excited to introduce a new Spotify playlist, designed to take you down memory lane, looking at a selection of songs that you might have forgotten about, or missed when they were first released. Our first Re-Discovery playlist looks at the last decade, taking you through some of the best music between 2010 and 2019….

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the AU interview: Ernest Ellis (Sydney) talks new record Cold Desire

Ernest Ellis released his highly-anticipated new record, Cold Desire last week. We caught up with him to have a chat and find out more about the new album; how it all came about; and whether or not we’ll see him out on the road around the country in the coming months. What was the inspiration…

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One Movement: Ernest Ellis + Raghu Dixit + Dan Sultan – Dillettante & Amplifer Car Park (10.10.2010)

  Following the festival it was time to head up into the city for the last night of showcases, and the last night of One Movement 2010. First up for the night was Ernest Ellis, who unfortunately had to cancel his appearance at the Dew Process showcase earlier in the week. From the sounds of…

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