
Film Review: Padre Pio; Shia LaBeouf’s committed performance can’t be faulted in uneven faith-driven drama

Whilst it’s fair to say that not every respective project of director Abel Ferrera and actor Shia LaBeouf is successful in their individual execution, you can’t deny the absolute dedication they both have regarding their craft.  Ferrara, whose varied career has seen him helm such divisive works as King of New York, Harvey Keitel’s lauded…

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TV Review: The Chosen is a faith-based series that deepens with interest the further it goes along

I’ll admit that faith-based material isn’t always the most attractive prospect for me.  Sure, you have your Last Temptation of Christ‘s and your Passion of the Christ‘s, but His story is one that doesn’t particularly entice me; most likely born from my personal relation to religion as a whole. That being said I certainly won’t…

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