Fallout 4

Video games and world building: Taking players somewhere they’ve never been before

2018 has been crazy good for RPG’s. The worlds that have been massive and immersive, and deep in content. What is curious is how the developers of these games let players in on the facts of the worlds they’ve built. Information is given to players in interesting ways that differ from game-to-game. From letting players…

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A discussion of blame, intent and Fallout 76

It’s safe to say that Fallout 76 has been one of the year’s most controversial releases, plagued with issues ranging from internal bugs, to botched preorder incentives and now a serious privacy and security breach. One of the most recent of the controversies, before the, y’know, significant data breach, was the PR minefield regarding a canvas…

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It’s been a monumental year for RPG’s, but how did Bethesda miss the mark?

From what I’ve seen, 2018 has proven to be one thing, above a whole lot of other things: the year of the Role-Playing Game. Between releases like Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire, Vampyr, Octopath: Traveler, Monster Hunter World, and new studio attempts at RPG’s like Ubisoft’s Assassins Creed Odyssey and Rockstar’s Red Dead Redemption 2, we have been…

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Games Opinion: Will Fallout 76 be problematic for Modders?

When Bethesda first teased Fallout 76 earlier this year, people were absolutely thrilled. A new Fallout game within just three years of a mainline title? Unheard of. Was this a follow up to Fallout 4 or a project by an external developer, like Fallout: New Vegas? But then the game was announced. An online, multiplayer-only version…

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Bethesda reveals Fallout 76 ahead of E3, few further details

After Bethesda appeared to tease a new entry in the Fallout series yesterday, the internet flew into speculation mode. What was it? There’s no way it could be Fallout 5, it’s too soon for that. The general consensus was that Bethesda was going to announce a Switch port of Fallout 4 in the same manner…

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Fallout 4‘s final add-on Nuka-World now available

Fallout 4’s sixth and final add-on, Nuka-World, is now available for download on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.

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E3 2016: Fallout 4 getting even more expansions this year

Bethesda used most of their press conference at E3 last year to show off Fallout 4. This year, the game returned with a host of new features and DLC that set to be released throughout the rest of the year.

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Fallout 4 Creation Kit will finally arrive on PC in April, consoles in May and June

The much-vaunted, long-ish awaited official mod support for Fallout 4 will arrive on PC and consoles during late spring (that’s late autumn for us here in Oz). The news comes from a new Game Informer interview with Bethesda director Todd Howard.

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Fallout 4 Add-Ons Announced – Automatron, Wasteland Workshop and Far Harbor

Hail wasteland wanderers! Ye have cried out for more Fallout 4 and Bethesda has answered, announcing an upcoming set of three very distinct DLC add-ons launching in March, April and May respectively, promising even more to follow.

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Fallout 4 developer Bethesda opens new studio in Montreal

Bethesda Game Studios, developers of the critically acclaimed Fallout 4 and Elder Scrolls series, have officially opened the doors on a second studio based in Montreal, Quebec.

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Video Games Review: Fallout 4 (PS4, Xbox One, 2015)

Friends and adventurers, the promised time is at hand. Vault 111 is opening and the Commonwealth awaits. War. War never changes.

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PAX AUS 2015: Our highlights and lowlights from this year’s convention

This year’s PAX AUS convention felt like it was trading on the lessons learned from its two previous events. The problems found at the 2013 and 2014 shows were fewer, while a handful of new ones sprang up to take its place. To that end, we’ve put together a short list of what we thought…

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Will your PC be able to run Fallout 4?

With under a month to go before release, Bethesda have unveiled the minimum and recommended specs required for PC users to run Fallout 4.  Hit the jump to see if your rig is ready to explore the Bostonian Wasteland.

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This Fallout 4 educational video brought to you by the letter E

Bethesda have released the latest in their series of educational videos for Fallout 4, made in the style of a 1940’s newsreel.

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First games line up announcement for EB Expo promises Star Wars Battlefront and Fallout 4

EB Games have released the first official games line up for this year’s EB Expo and it’s a doozy. Headlining the announcement is the news that both Star Wars Battlefront and Call of Duty: Black Ops III will be playable at the PlayStation 4 stand. But that’s not all. Also on hand will be titles like Assassin’s Creed Syndicate, Rainbow…

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E3 2015: More new Fallout 4 footage debuts at Microsoft’s E3 press event, mods coming to Xbox One version of the game

Fallout 4‘s power amour just looks so damned cool. Bethesda showed off a little more footage from the game at Microsoft’s E3 press event, focused squarely on combat and weapons. Also, big news, mods are coming to the Xbox One version of the game! The trailer shows off a ton of weapons in greater detail…

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E3 2015: Bethesda releases tonnes of new Fallout 4 trailers, sets release date!

Bethesda have shown off a huge amount of new footage and features for their upcoming survival RPG Fallout 4 at their first ever E3 press conference. We’ve got all the news and trailers in one place, after the jump! Fallout 4 will begin at a point in history that no other game in the series…

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