
Watch Childish Gambino explain what it’s like to portray Lando through fashion

Solo: A Star Wars Story has topped the Australian box office this weekend, claiming the number 1 spot thanks to a little touch of Calrissian charisma. In a newly released featurette Lando Style with Donald Glover, we get to go behind the scenes with actor Donald Glover (The Martian) as we get a sneak peek…

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Watch Taika Waititi fool around the set of Thor: Ragnarok in this new featurette

Marvel Studios have recently released a small featurette of Taika Waititi, director of Thor: Ragnarok, aptly named “On Set Moments with Taika”, fooling around on the Gold Coast set and giving us a deeper understanding of Taika himself, and how his energy, personality and passion rubbed off on Thor: Ragnarok to great effect. After Taika’s hilarious…

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Universal drops a byte-size Jason Bourne featurette

Ahead of its July release date, Universal are now taking passengers on board the hype train for Jason Bourne. The first stop is a mini- featurette. For the fifth movie in the franchise and the reunion of Paul Greengrass and Matt Damon (following 2012’s Jeremy Renner/Tony Gilroy spin-off flick), the featurette highlights the chemistry the…

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