Final Fantasy VII

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth shows promise, but lacks the punch of its predecessor

When the Final Fantasy VII remake was initially announced, you could say it broke the internet. That original 1997 game changed the gaming landscape forever and hearing that it would be released to a new generation on a new platform made you feel like you were witnessing the second coming of Christ in gaming pop…

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Final Fantasy VII Remake

Final Fantasy VII Remake Review: One For The Ages

In a media landscape full of remakes and remasters, it takes a masterpiece to stand out. Such is the case with Final Fantasy VII Remake, a modern take on an RPG considered one of the greatest of all time. Here it takes on another accolade — it’s also one of the greatest examples of how to…

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No-one expected PlayStation to drop a Final Fantasy VII Remake trailer today so guess what they did

PlayStation’s second State of Play video update was broadcast this morning, a short-and-sweet affair compared to last month’s inaugural episode. Sony used their fifteen minutes to hit on title expansions, smaller titles and a couple of high profile remasters. Opening with Monster Hunter World’s new expansion Iceborne, the broadcast quickly moved through a few cute…

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Final Fantasy VII Review: At home on the Switch

Arguably the best title in the series long history, and inarguably its most popular entry, Final Fantasy VII has never been far from the gaming popular consciousness since its release in 1997. It was the first time Squaresoft (now Square Enix) had been able to truly convey every part of the world they’d created. Previous…

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E3 2015: Final Fantasy VII finally gets a HD remake; releasing first on PS4

Following an entire decade of rumours and dashed hopes, the classic PSOne RPG Final Fantasy VII is getting an HD remake for the PlayStation 4. The news was revealed a very happy crowd indeed at Sony’s E3 press con today. The trailer shows a few of the staff who have been working on the new…

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