Final Fantasy VII Remake

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth shows promise, but lacks the punch of its predecessor

When the Final Fantasy VII remake was initially announced, you could say it broke the internet. That original 1997 game changed the gaming landscape forever and hearing that it would be released to a new generation on a new platform made you feel like you were witnessing the second coming of Christ in gaming pop…

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Final Fantasy VII Remake

Final Fantasy VII Remake Review: One For The Ages

In a media landscape full of remakes and remasters, it takes a masterpiece to stand out. Such is the case with Final Fantasy VII Remake, a modern take on an RPG considered one of the greatest of all time. Here it takes on another accolade — it’s also one of the greatest examples of how to…

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Final Fantasy VII Remake Preview: Home to Midgar

When your goal is to remake a game like Final Fantasy VII, where do you even begin? Lets set aside its legendary status and the pressure of delivering on such a project. Consider instead the more intricate moving parts — its characters, mechanics and systems, its visuals, art direction, and score. Its sheer size presents…

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Final Fantasy VII Remake has been delayed by a month

Final Fantasy VII Remake, the hotly anticipated remaster of the beloved JRPG, will miss its release date by a month. The game will now launch on April 10, 2020. The announcement came via the official FF7 Twitter account: A message from the #FinalFantasy VII Remake development team. #FF7R — FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE (@finalfantasyvii)…

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E3 2019: Here’s 20 minutes of the Final Fantasy VII Remake in action

Square Enix have delivered what may have been the biggest shot of raw fan service out of any E3 presentation so far. The publisher’s E3 press briefing dedicated its opening twenty minutes to Final Fantasy VII Remake, and every second of it had fans in the audience screaming with delight. Hit the embed below and…

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E3 2019: The Final Fantasy VII remake has a release date

We didn’t think PlayStation were making any announcements during E3 this year but here we are. You read the headline correctly. It’s not a dream. The Final Fantasy VII remake, the one we all thought might never arrive, has a release date. Well, the first half of the game has a release date at least. Remember,…

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No-one expected PlayStation to drop a Final Fantasy VII Remake trailer today so guess what they did

PlayStation’s second State of Play video update was broadcast this morning, a short-and-sweet affair compared to last month’s inaugural episode. Sony used their fifteen minutes to hit on title expansions, smaller titles and a couple of high profile remasters. Opening with Monster Hunter World’s new expansion Iceborne, the broadcast quickly moved through a few cute…

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