
First impressions: HBO’s The White Lotus is an understated representation of exaggerated comedy

The first episode of The White Lotus, the latest darkly comedic effort from the mind of Mike White (Enlightened), sets itself up as a more humorous Big Little Lies, offering a seasonal hook in the first few minutes that suggests the titular paradisal resort is anything but. A stoic Shane (Jake Lacy) sits at an…

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Review: HBO’s new film Bad Education is “the most Australian movie about Long Island ever made”

The newest feature film for us to enjoy from the company of our own homes during isolation is one that was never acquired for big screen distribution. Coming from HBO Films (following the largest acquisition deal of the 2019 Toronto International Film Festival), Bad Education is the dramatised telling of a true story of corruption…

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Is Alex Garland’s high concept sci-fi thriller Devs worth watching?

Devs is the sort of television mini-series that demands your full attention. This is for a couple of reasons. The first being that the subject matter of deterministic universes and philosophical questions of free will are topics that will leave you in deep thought long after the show ends. The second being that this show…

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Foxtel brings epic Game of Thrones graveyard to Sydney

With the final epic season just around the corner, Foxtel is giving Sydney Game of Thrones fans a unique chance to mourn lost characters with a deliciously eerie art installation dubbed ‘Grave of Thrones’. (Oh and, yes, this article will contain spoilers) Situated inside Centennial Park, ‘Grave of Thrones’ features an extraordinary collection of tombstones…

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Game of Thrones Season 8: Five theories on the end

George R.R. Martin loves his irony. It’s pretty much the only reliable rule that runs throughout A Song of Ice & Fire, and hence Game of Thrones. Arya kills Polliver the same way he killed Lommy; Ramsay Bolton is mauled by his dogs; Jorah is sold into slavery at one point – Martin loves drawing…

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HBO to commence Game of Thrones studio tours in 2020

As the final season of HBO’s monumental Game of Thrones creeps ever so closer, an exciting announcement has ensured fans of the hit TV show will still be able to ride the wave of crushing character deaths, extreme violence, and pouncing sers long after this forthcoming string of episodes is done and dusted. As reported…

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The Assassination Of Gianni Versace Star Darren Criss Coming To Sydney

What does fashion legend Gianni Versace, Glee alum Darren Criss and Sydney, Australia all have in common? Well in order to promote the launch of The Assassination Of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story on Foxtel, star of the series Criss will be heading down under to Sydney. Criss is best known for Blaine Anderson from…

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TV Review: The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 8 “How It’s Gotta Be”

I’m not quite sure what I just watched, and I find it hard to imagine a team of writers turning that script in and thinking that it would make for a satisfying, entertaining or even reasonable Mid-Season Finale. I love The Walking Dead, honestly, but “How It’s Gotta Be” was truly poor form for a…

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TV Review: The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 7 “Time for After”

Eugene is a broken man. With his loyalty and decisions a major focus of “Time for After”, the penultimate episode before the Mid-Season Finale, we get to explore this character in a much more meaningful way than before. There’s some real depth here as he visibly struggles against his own conscious and deals with the…

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TV Review: The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 6 “The King, The Widow and Rick”

“The King, The Widow and Rick” is an episode title that suggests a clear and deep focus on all three leaders of the war against Negan and The Saviours. I mean, at least that’s the logical interpretation, right? Wrong. This sixth episode in The Walking Dead’s eight season took certain liberties to slow things down…

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TV Review: The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 4 “Some Guy”

Building King Ezekiel’s regal facade has been given little screen time on The Walking Dead. The “king” with a knack for role-playing to build a sense of escapism and confidence for his “Kingdom” only took on a pivotal role deep into last season, and with the way the show is structured the writers have had…

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TV Review: The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 3 “Monsters”

“Monsters” is very much a direct continuation from last week’s “The Damned”, and on the surface that is very wise choice for The Walking Dead, treating these as installments in a wider thread rather than thematically distinctive “episodes”. This week, we were dropped right back into the all-out assault against The Saviours, coming from Team…

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TV Review: The Walking Dead Season 8, Episode 2 “The Damned”

Complaints that The Walking Dead has tipped the scales away from action as of late are not unfounded. Previous seasons have been dragged down by a modest sprinkle of muscle that are few and far between, eschewing the more meaty and direct throws of conflict for cartoonish grandstanding and careful, often nauseating, build-up. Sure, build-up…

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TV Review: The Walking Dead Season 8, Episode 1 “Mercy”

The Walking Dead hasn’t lost sight of its impressive history nor it’s central cast, and “Mercy”, the landmark 100th episode of the juggernaut survival-horror drama, is a well-rounded declaration of that. The start to what will hopefully be a return to form following a haphazard seventh season, it’s an episode imbued with the kind of…

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What we learned from the first two episodes of Top of the Lake: China Girl

Tonight sees the first episode of Top of the Lake: China Girl premiere on Foxtel’s BBC First. It is the follow up to Jane Campion’s 2013 series Top of the Lake and we were lucky enough to attend the world premiere earlier this month in Sydney to watch episodes 1 and 2. The new season sees Elisabeth Moss…

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TV Review: Fire reigns in epic Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 4 “The Spoils of War”

In a move to rival the sheer scale and CGI glory of “Hardhome”, Game of Thrones have just presented what is probably its most epic battle yet, even outranking the “Battle of the Bastards” in some ways by pitting Jamie, Bronn and the Lannister forces against Dany, Drogon, and the Dothraki army. Like all of…

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TV Review: Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 3 “The Queen’s Justice” is uneven but eventful

The transfer of power to those most capable of running an ever-changing world tends to only happen when traditions fly out of the window. That’s always been one of the primary messages of Game of Thrones, and watching it unfold with power moves and converging character arcs is where the show’s major strengths lie. A…

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TV Review: Cersei draws first blood in Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 2 “Stormborn”

An episode sandwiched by a brutal storm, one literal and one figurative, “Stormborn” was a momentous series of events which has moved this narrative further then many would have expected. As I mentioned last week, the time for economical storytelling is upon us, and so every – well, most – sequences are going to count…

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The Walking Dead launches Season 8 Trailer and confirms release date

Get hyped! The eighth season of The Walking Dead is set to premiere internationally on October 23 in 180+ markets within 24 hours of the U.S. premiere on October 22. Even more exciting is that the cast and crew on The Walking Dead panel at this past weekends Comic-Con in San Diego presented an action-packed…

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Six things we learned from the first episode of Genius of the Modern World on Foxtel’s History Channel

Historian Bettany Hughes is presenting a new series on Foxtel’s History channel called Genius of the Modern World. It’s a three-part series about Karl Marx, Friedrich Nietzsche and Sigmund Freud. It also follows on from her previous television shows about the Ancient World where she covered Buddha, Confucius and Socrates. We have put together the…

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TV Review: Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 1 “Dragonstone” is nothing but power moves

That was one hell of a way to open up Game of Thrones’ seventh season premiere, wasn’t it? Rarely does the show dabble in cold openers, but an enormously satisfying ribbon-cutter was certainly the perfect way to usher in what is now the final 13 episodes (split into two seasons) of what has truly become…

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TV Review: Fear the Walking Dead Season 3 Mid-Season Finale trades blood for peace

Fear the Walking Dead’s double-episode finale took the necessary steps to reveal just how far Madison is willing to go protect her family, especially after Travis and everything else that they have gone through since the infection began. It’s a success in that respect, nicely paced while it worked towards one pivotal moment – and…

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TV Review: Fear the Walking Dead Season 3 Episode 6 “Red Dirt” fixates on fear

“Red Dirt” continues Fear the Walking Dead’s vast improvement over its previous seasons as Broke Jaw Ranch is thrown into a panic in response to news that the show’s latest villain, Walker, is coming to claim the land by force. That’s some great material for the show to start exploring, leaving the walking dead out…

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TV Review: Fear the Walking Dead Season 3 Episode 5 “Burning in Water…” introduces a new conflict

Coming off one of their strongest episodes, the self-contained “100” with the focus solely on a returning Daniel (Rubén Blades), Fear the Walking Dead pull us back into life at the supposedly safe Broke Jaw Ranch where Madison is holed up with Nick and Alicia, trying to prove their value to the suspicious community. “Burning…

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TV Review: Fear the Walking Dead Season 3 Episode 4 “100” is the show’s best yet

“100” just may be the best episode Fear the Walking Dead has done to date. Daniel Salazar (Rubén Blades) was always one of the more interesting characters – that isn’t saying much though – in the show, up until the point where the writers made the terrible decision to randomly send him into “crazy” mode…

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TV Review: Fear the Walking Dead Season 3 Episode 3 “TEOTWAWKI” sheds more light on Broke Jaw Ranch

Last week’s odd decision to kill off the show’s strongest and most interesting character in a very off-hand fashion was a bold move. Fear the Walking Dead’s writing team has to date proven to be inconsistent, impatient and unable to squeeze the horror-survival for all the juicy potential it has, but there have been moments…

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TV Review: Fear the Walking Dead makes some bold moves as season three begins

AMC’s Fear the Walking Dead struggled to make much of an impact during its six-episode first season and, though it gave us a strong finale, there were a few plodding narrative choices that felt like a waste of what was already a very limited stretch. One such misstep was the army quarantine and a sizable…

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Qantas to start streaming Stan as part of their in-flight entertainment

Starting in just a few weeks, Qantas will be rolling out a new partnership with Stan which will see the Australian SVOD service incorporated into the airline’s in-flight entertainment. When the roll out is completed all domestic Qantas flights will have full access to Stan’s comprehensive library available for passengers travelling across the country. The…

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Ten things we learned about pregnancy from the BBC documentary series The 9 Months That Made You

The 9 Months That Made You is an informative and entertaining documentary series. It traces how we grow from a single cell and form into a human baby. This series is presented by Dr Michael Mosley and is produced and directed by Nicola Cook (Horizon). Through a series of excellent animations and case studies we…

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First Impressions: FX’s Legion takes the superhero genre and subverts it

From the guy who brought you the X-Men, Bryan Singer, and the guy who brought you the TV version of Fargo, Noah Hawley, and based on the Marvel Comics by Chris Claremont and Bill Sienkiewicz comes an origin story series for one particular obscure character from the X-Men universe. Legion follows the story of David…

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