
DVD Review: Freeheld (USA, 2015)

If Laurel Hester (Julianne Moore) was never diagnosed with terminal cancer, she may never have come out. With 20 years of service for the New Jersey State Police, being a woman was hard enough.  Now, she wants to make sure her pension goes to her spouse, Stacie Andree (Ellen Page), so she can stay in…

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Interview: Peter Sollett talks Freeheld , Vinyl and Steve Carrell

Peter Sollett is the acclaimed director of Raising Victor Vargas (2002) and Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist (2008). With the upcoming DVD release of his latest film, Freeheld (2015), he talked to the Iris’ Joseph Doumit about returning to romance, LGBT rights, and how the truth set him free. How did you get involved with…

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The Iris’ Weekly Film and TV News Round Up! (31st July 2015)

Happy birthday to Bugs Bunny, who turned 75 on 28 July. You haven’t aged a day! In movie news, The Bourne Identity franchise is returning with Matt Damon and Tommy Lee Jones in Bourne. No plot details have been released as yet, but it is scheduled to hit cinemas in July 2016. In TV, sadly Key &…

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Get your first look at Freeheld, starring Oscar winner Julianne Moore and Ellen Page

Directed by Peter Sollett and starring the incredible ensemble that is Julianne Moore, Ellen Page, Steve Carell, Josh Charles and Michael Shannon, the gay rights drama Freeheld – out in November – is one of the early Oscar buzz films for 2015. And today, a just released trailer let’s us in on what we’re in…

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