Another month, another four-pack of free games for Xbox One owners. August tees up some of the Xbox One’s bigger releases for later this year and continues a thread from last month’s Games With Gold titles. You’ll be able to grab Gears of War 4 in its entirety, for the entire month of August, for…
Read moreJuly’s range of free titles in the Xbox Live Games with Gold program are a bit of a mixed bag — a pair of games considered era-defining master works within their genre, a cute, chaotic four-player multiplayer party game and also Meet the Robinsons, a game based on a Disney movie you’d forgotten about until…
Read moreAfter a bit of a quiet month for freebies in May, Xbox looks to be coming back strong in June with a suite of top tier Games With Gold titles, from recent releases like NHL 19 to verified Xbox 360 classic Portal. Here’s how the full list shakes out: On June 1, you’ll have access…
Read moreThis month’s free game haul for Xbox Live subscribers is a pretty solid one. This month sees the usual drop of four free titles, ranging from strategy to indies, family games and retro gems. So here’s what you get: Xbox One: Prison Architect — available Sept. 1 to 30 Livelock — available Sept. 16 to…
Read moreAnother month, another collection of free games for Xbox Live subscribers. This month’s offerings, from puzzlers to survival horror, are once again doing their best to offer a little something for everyone. Hit the jump for the list.
Read moreWith March now looming in the middle distance, Xbox have announced the titles that will be going free across their network this month and it follows a similar trend to last month — something for the grown ups and something for the kids.
Read moreIt’s that time of the month again where console owners crane their necks to see what they can squeeze out of the corporate overlords, and this month is a bit up and down for Xbox owners.
Read moreEvery month, Xbox Live furnishes its subscribers with a suite of up to four free games — typically two for Xbox One and two for those still running the older Xbox 360 hardware. It’s rare that the last-gen titles on offer are as interesting as the newer, but next month’s Star Wars flavoured offering may prove…
Read moreWith Xbox Live more or less back on its feet after yesterday’s extended (and still a bit mysterious) outage, Microsoft have confirmed the list of games that will be free of charge in next month’s Games with Gold promotion.
Read moreFebruary brings a fresh batch of free games for Xbox Live Gold subscribers. Some may criticise this month’s offerings as being a bit anaemic but there’s at least one title that’s definitely worth your time.
Read moreMicrosoft have announced the December Games With Gold lineup and, compared to other months throughout 2015, it could be seen as a bit of a weak note to end the year on. They are, however, giving away “an extra gift for the holidays” in the form of a fifth free game.
Read moreMicrosoft have used their press conference at Gamescom 2015 in Cologne, Germany to announce that any Xbox 360 games included in their Games With Gold promotion will be backwards compatible on Xbox One.
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