Gold Coast FIlm Festival

Interview: The Crow director Alex Proyas on navigating studio systems, AI use in films, and reflecting on I, Robot two decades on

Alex Proyas has long been one of Australia’s greatest directorial exports.  Biding his time between international and local fare – in the same sentence of his work you can mention 1994’s defining The Crow, the ambitious neo-noir sci-fi thriller Dark City, and the blockbuster Will Smith outing I, Robot – the filmmaker has made a…

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Body horror and dramatic flourishes don’t play together in The Demon Disorder: Gold Coast Film Festival Review

There’s a fascinating premise at its core and an impressive heft of body horror effects abounding throughout, but The Demon Disorder never quite conjures enough other-worldly strength to rise above its structural flaws. A tale of three brothers and the demonic trauma they share off the back of their father’s death – presumably the result…

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The Raid is a brutal and unrelenting action film that serves as a reminder of the true mastery of the genre: Gold Coast Film Festival Review

As easy as it is to call something like The Raid (released in some territories as The Raid: Redemption, this the result of certain legalities) a “thin” movie in terms of plot and character, Gareth Edwards ultimately thrives on such a simplistic nature, turning in a slaughterhouse of an action movie that rarely lets up…

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Sting is an enjoyably camp horror effort that backs its gross effects with some emotional heft: Gold Coast Film Festival Review

Given the ambition he showed with his Mad Max-meets-Dawn of the Dead B-grade genre piece Wyrmwood (and its respective sequel), it makes sense that Australian director Kiah Roache-Turner would continue his genre mash-ups for his follow-up.  What proves surprising, however, is that for Sting, an ode to the creature feature (and, fittingly, Australia’s fear of…

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Gold Coast Film Festival launches its exciting full program

Celebrating its 22nd year, Queensland’s most exciting celebration of cinema is back, from April 17th to 28th 2024, with the Gold Coast Film Festival (GCFF) at its Gold Coast home, HOTA (Home of the Arts). As guests prepare to immerse themselves in the glamour and discover the new stories the festival has to offer, the…

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Gold Coast Film Festival announces The Way, My Way as Opening Night Gala presentation

The Gold Coast Film Festival is set to bring films to life for another year. Running April 17th to the 28th, the GCFF will showcase amazing films, inspirational panels, outdoor screenings, free-to-attend industry education events, and special events at Home of the Arts (HOTA), as it celebrates its 22nd year. Kicking off an unforgettable celebration…

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Luke Hemsworth and Lincoln Lewis close the festivities of the 2022 Gold Coast Film Festival

Bringing to a close 12 days of cinema celebration, the 20th annual Gold Coast Film Festival went out in suitable style with festival ambassador Lincoln Lewis, and actors Luke Hemsworth, Isabel Lucas, Rasmus King and director Tyler Atkins, there to celebrate the premiere of Bosch & Rockit, a soaring true story based on Atkins’ own…

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Gold Coast Film Festival Review: Out Of The Shadows (Australia, 2017) makes promises it cannot fulfil

The opening moments of Out Of The Shadows are among its best. The first scene, a tracking shot through a murder scene with grievously damaged bodies, an upset detective and an unsettling atmosphere set by the colour grade and sound, promises a clever indie horror that for the most part, the film fails to deliver….

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Gold Coast Film Festival Review: My Entire High School Sinking Into The Sea (USA, 2016) is high school through a kaleidoscope

My Entire High School Sinking Into The Sea is a psychedelic trip through four storeys of a floating high school. About as bad of a place as someone would want to take a transcendental journey, but for the main characters it’s an edifying one, filled with colour, strange visuals and awkward relationships. Dash (Jason Schwartzman)…

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Gold Coast Film Festival Review: The Osiris Child: Science Fiction Volume One (Australia, 2016) is Star Wars on a shoestring

In ninety-five minutes, The Osiris Child recreates the past twenty years of sci-fi. It’s a fast blend of genre styles new and old, reaching screens in the format of a graphic novel and touching bases with every ‘humanity in crisis’ story ever told. While never profound, The Osiris Child achieves its vision, but the lack of…

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Film Review: Festival bound Supergirl (USA, 2016) is an inspiring documentary about achieving the impossible

It’s a bird…it’s a plane…it’s Supergirl! The documentary, Supergirl is a film about an American girl with superhuman strength. It’s an inspirational story that is about kicking down barriers and achieving the impossible in the competitive world/sport that is powerlifting. This documentary is the debut feature length film by director Jessie Auritt. The story focuses…

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Gold Coast Film Festival Review: Pork Pie (New Zealand, 2017) only bolsters the legacy of the original

After more than thirty years, the amber Mini has once more made the journey from tip to tip in the Land of the Long White Cloud. Pork Pie brings the 1981 New Zealand classic Goodbye Pork Pie into the 21st century, and it returns with more than just the mini. Goodbye Pork Pie played a…

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Gold Coast Film Festival Review: Sophie & The Rising Sun (USA, 2017) is an intense story about a powerful & forbidden love

Before there was Loving there was Sophie & The Rising Sun (well, sort of). Sophie & The Rising Sun is a romantic story and like Loving it is one that’s all about a bi-racial couple. The film is ultimately a beautiful but fictional love story where you can really sit back, relax and get lost…

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Twilight actor Kellan Lutz arrives in Australia this week for The Osiris Child

Best known for his role as Emmett Cullen in the Twilight Saga films, Kellan Lutz will be in Australia this week to attend the Gala premiere of the new sci-fi film The Osiris Child: Science Fiction Volume One, at the 2017 Gold Coast Film Festival. In addition to the premiere, Lutz will also pop into…

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The Gold Coast is all set for its 15th annual Film Festival

We are hot on the heels of the 15th annual Gold Coast Film Festival. The event will screen 32 feature films from 13 countries, including four World premieres, nine Australian premieres and eight Queensland premieres, plus a host of short films, events, panels, and intimate Q&A’s with filmmakers. The city’s flagship film event has confirmed…

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Gold Coast Film Festival Review: Broke (Australia, 2016)

It was NRL luminary Jack Gibson who said, “In football, if you are standing still, you’re going backwards fast“. These words are lived by Heath Davis’s lapsed hero Barry Kelly (played by Steve Le Marquand) and extend to the broader film in the suburban melancholy and missed opportunities of Australian redemption tale, Broke. Broke begins…

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2016 Gold Coast Film Festival reveals full program!

This year’s annual Gold Coast Film Festival (running in its 14th year)  will consist of 38 films from 15 different countries. The festival has also secured six Australian Premieres and seven Queensland Premieres from 31 March – 10 April.  The Festival will offer films that have been selected from Queensland and around the world, ranging…

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2015 Gold Coast Film Festival announced!

The 13th annual Gold Coast Film Festival will screen 43 films from 15 countries and includes one world premiere, 10 Australian premieres and 10 Queensland premieres this April 9 – 19. The Gold Coast’s biggest film event will host the World Premiere of locally produced thriller, Fear of Darkness (Saturday April 11) as well as…

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