
Top 20 Films of 2013 – Part Two: The Top Ten!

The Iris is proud to bring you our top ten films of 2013, as voted by our contributors. We kick things off with an American comedy that met our writer’s expectations… 10. Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues How could we reserve passing judgement on a sequel to one of the most quintessential comedies of the…

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Watch: Gravity companion piece “Aningaaq”, directed by Jonás Cuarón.

Check out the recently released companion piece for the acclaimed film Gravity. It’s a short film entitled Aningaaq, and though it was originally planned as an exclusive feature on the Gravity Blu-Ray/DVD release, the makers have ended up with an Academy Award eligible live-action short after showcasing the film alongside selected festival screenings of Gravity….

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The Iris News Weekly: 1st November 2013

In this issue: [V] Island Parties set to scorch through summer, first Sydney International Film Festival in November, watch the trailer for Wolf Creek 2, Anchorman 2 cast staying classy and heading to Sydney, new series’ on ABC, Gravity breaks box office records, results are in from the Australian Drama Survey and the Hola Sol…

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Film Review: Gravity (M) (USA, 2013)

I’ve started writing this review mere minutes after seeing the film. There was even more hyperbole than what the end product suggests. I have left the cinema with an uncontrollable sense of awe. Even hours and days later, I can’t escape what I witnessed. In spite of the emotionally engaging and thrilling sequences that leave…

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