Griffith Review

Book Review: Griffith Review 64: The New Distruptors is a sweeping look at new technology

The Griffith Review is known for its rich collections of thought-provoking writing and picture stories. The 64th edition, The New Disruptors is no exception. It is a deep dive into the world of technological change, from the recesses of the dark web through to those new opportunities for change. This instalment is edited by Ashley…

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POPSART: Bri Lee at the Griffith Review Launch of their latest issue, Millennials Strike Back

POPSART is a new series here at Arts on the AU, which comes care of Brisbane arts journalist Bec Mac. She’ll give us, in her own words: “a weekly video interview with an artist or curator (across any kind of art form) at their opening night, a sneak preview or event and hopefully will give a quick capture…

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