happytime murders

Film Review: The Happytime Murders (USA, 2018) could spark your interest if vulgar and unkempt comedy is your thing

Before Melissa McCarthy’s involvement essentially fast-tracked The Happytime Murders into production, the dark comedy had languished in development limbo for the good part of decade with both Cameron Diaz and Katherine Heigl attached at various moments as potential headliners.  With the final product now upon us, McCarthy’s penchant for vanity-free comedy feels like the most…

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First trailer for The Happytime Murders is not the Muppets movie you’re expecting

The Muppets are back! But not in the way you would expect. We recommend putting the kids to bed, because this isn’t the Muppets movie you were expecting. The Happytime Murders markets itself as a filthy comedy set in the criminal underworld of Los Angeles where both puppets and humans coexist. When two detectives are forced…

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