Harper Collins

The AU’s Most Anticipated Books of 2024: July – September

We have already sped on past the halfway point of the year and we’re edging ever closer to the busiest time of the bookselling year. As ever there is another bumper selection of books being published in the coming months to comb through. From fantasy to horror, from historical fiction to mythic retellings, and from…

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The AU’s Most Anticipated Books of 2024: April – June

We’re already a quarter of the way through the year and the AU Books Team are getting excited for the next round of upcoming releases. Here are some of the upcoming releases that have caught our attention. April No Church in the Wild – Murray Middleton Pan Macmillan Australia | Pub Date: 26th March | Order…

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The AU’s Most Anticipated Books of 2023: Jan – Mar

Happy New Year! 2023 is already in full swing and we in the AU Books Team are back and ready to look ahead at some of this year’s most anticipated books. With so many books published each week, month and year, it’d be impossible to read them all. So this is only the briefest snapshot…

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Most Anticipated Books Oct to Dec

The AU’s Most Anticipated Books of 2022: Oct to Dec

We’re now edging ever closer to Christmas. That means we’re now entering into some of the busiest weeks in the world of publishing and book selling. Expect to see lots of gift books and themed releases on the shelves in the next few weeks. With so many books being released each month, we in the…

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Trent Dalton wins big at the 2019 Australian Book Industry Awards

Tonight the best and brightest of Australian publishing descended on Sydney and the Grand Ballroom of the International Convention Centre for the 2019 Australian Book Industry Awards – the Australian equivalent of the Oscars for the bookishly inclined.  If you’ve been even vaguely following the Australian literary world over the last twelve months then the…

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Interview: Ben Okri talks The Freedom Artist and literary festivals

Whilst he was in the country for both Perth Writers Week and Adelaide Writers’ Week, I had the chance to sit down with author, poet and Man Booker Prize winning novelist Ben Okri to chat about his new novel The Freedom Artist. Set in a world uncomfortably like our own, The Freedom Artist is a…

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Book Review: Matt Noffs and Kieran Palmer’s Addicted? highlights how addiction affects every one of us

What springs to your mind when you hear someone has an addiction? Drugs, gambling, porn, coffee or even smart phones? Maybe none of those, some of those and maybe even all of those. It has got you thinking though hasn’t it? In Addicted?, authors Matt Noffs and Kieran Palmer examine the ways in which addiction…

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