
Interview: Aunty Donna on joining the world of Dungeons & Dragons: Honour Among Thieves; “We are not being used by Chris Pine. We are using (him)!”

There’s always room for Christmas Pud and, it would appear, time to join Dungeons & Dragons too.  In a casting decision that I’m sure even the most confident punters couldn’t have predicted, Australian surrealist comedy collective Aunty Donna – performers Mark Samual Bonanno, Broden Kelly and Zachary Ruane – have lent their voices to the…

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D&D’s Stranger Things Starter Set turns kids into Dungeon Masters

Despite having 45 years of history, revisions and different rulesets under its belt, getting into Dungeons & Dragons remains intimidating for many. Between the dense rulebooks and multifaceted character sheets, on-boarding new players has ever been the game’s most significant hurdle. It’s not a great look when accessing The Fun Part of your game means…

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Collectables Review: Transformers Studio Series toy line rolls out in fine form

This month, we’re trying something new on The Iris. We’re gonna take some toys for a spin. And not just any toys, we’re taking a look at a selection of Hasbro’s new Transformers: Studio Series line. Are these the robots in disguise you remember from your childhood? Hit the jump to find out.

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Tech Review: Hasbro’s Dropmix is Automatic, Supersonic, Hypnotic, Funky Fresh

To say that I am in no way musically inclined and yet still managed to pull off some wicked beats with Hasbro’s Dropmix system is testament to its great and highly accessible design. While I went in to our preview expecting to be shamed for my lack of musical talent, I went out with a…

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