
Returnal Review: Live, Die, Repeat.

Returnal is, in many ways, the crowning achievement of Housemarque’s journey as a developer. With recent entries standing out as shining examples, from the likes of Matterfall to Nex Machina, and the impeccable Resogun, it’s incredibly satisfying to see a challenging reflex-based rogue-like experience get the royal treatment. Fast-paced action meets a rogue-like structure in…

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Video Game Review: Matterfall (PS4, 2017) is somehow imperfect AND engaging, addictive and fun at the same time

Matterfall comes to us from developers Housemarque, who brought you addictive arcade experiences such as Resogun and Super Stardust. Matterfall returns in the same spirit, mixing challenging combat and platforming with great effect.

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Video Games Review: Alienation (PS4, 2016)

If there is one thing I love, it’s a twin stick shooter. If there is something I love even more, it’s a twin stick shooter made by Housemarque. The Finnish developer gave us Dead Nation in 2011 and Resogun in 2014 and while Alienation, their newest IP has nothing in common with the latter, it…

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