HTC Vive

Can’t afford to visit NZ IRL? Virtual Wellington will get you there for free

Gamification in the tech industry is nothing new. Apps like Habitica have taken even the most mundane tasks like ticking items off a checklist and turned them into a role playing game in which you, personally, are the star. You might think that’s pretty full on, but hold on a sec because it gets way…

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Games Review: Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-Ality (PSVR, 2018), Immersive, Disgusting & Foul Mouthed in a good way!

Ever since the amazing game Accounting Plus VR from Squanchtendo and Crows Crows Crows,  there was no doubt we needed a Rick and Morty VR game. Now a sweet, sweet collaboration between Owlchemy Games, the dev behind Job Simulator, and Adult Swim Games has become a Rick-ality! See what I did there?

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CES 2018: The HTC Vive just got a major upgrade, with more power and wireless VR options

Wireless VR, the current and most pressing of two holy grails for virtual reality hardware manufacturers, will be a reality for the HTC Vive by the end of 2018. Unveiled at CES 2018 in Las Vegas, the HTC Vive will be receiving a powerful new model this year and an adaptor for wireless use.

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The Game Awards 2017: Vacation Simulator takes Job Simulator on holiday

Time to cause a ruckus abroad. The team behind the wildly popular VR hit Job Simulator have taken the concept to its logical conclusion with the sequel, Vacation Simulator. Hit the jump to see the trailer straight from The Game Awards!

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L.A. Noire coming to Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch and the HTC Vive

Rockstar Games has announced overnight, seemingly out of nowhere, that its 2011 open world crime procedural L.A. Noire is coming to Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch (!!) and the HTC Vive (!!!) this year.

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Rick and Morty creator is making VR games

Justin Roiland, the co-creator of the wildly popular Adult Swim series Rick and Morty, is now turning his talents to the world of video game development. Roiland revealed all during an interview with PC Gamer.

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