illuminate adelaide

Unsound creates a noisy finale to Illuminate Adelaide

The premise of Unsound, a part of Illuminate Adelaide is to bring artists together who don’t suit a mainstream audience. Experimental noise probably generally describes the genre. The type of artistry that is polarising. People either love it or hate it. Fortunately, the audience was more of the “love it” type. The opening act of…

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Review: Joep Beving lights up Her Majesty’s for Illuminate Adelaide (18.07.24)

Dutch classical pianist, Joep Beving was last in Adelaide four years ago, just as the pandemic hit. Last time he was finishing a tour, so it makes sense that he starts it all back here again. As the lights dim, the music begins, almost to quiet to hear. The audience silences and is captivated by…

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How does technology bring one closer to nature? Illuminate Adelaide’s new programs Resonate and Mirror Mirror will show you how

In a time where technology seems to isolate us, Illuminate Adelaide uses large-scale technology to embrace and connect ourselves to the natural world. Last year, we saw Illuminate Adelaide’s Light Cycles program transform the Adelaide Botanic Garden into an ethereal experience with nature. This year, the creators of Light Cycles, Moment Factory, are turning the “cold”…

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Interview: David Rodriguez chats about Godtet performing for Illuminate Adelaide

In a special co-curated program with Light Adelaide, light and sound will converge at The Lab over four electric weekends with some of the most cutting-edge new music locally and nationally. We spoke with David Rogriguez of Godriguez about his upcoming performance with his band Godtet. Hope you haven’t had too many floods or anything…

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Check out Adelaide’s Illuminate Festival at the Lab this July

This July sees Adelaide transforming into a kaleidoscopic beacon of light and creativity as part of the annual Illuminate Adelaide celebrations. While the entire city is transformed into a hive of activity, it’s Light Square venue The Lab that is set to feature some of the most iconic and unmissable events on offer. The Lab…

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