
Video Games Review: Firewatch (PC, 2016)

Firewatch is a game that had me intrigued from the moment I laid eyes on it. The first time I heard anything about it was a trailer during Sony’s E3 2015 press conference. It made me laugh, it made me wonder what its deal was and I quietly kept an eye on it over the…

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Video Games Review: The Westport Independent (PC, 2016)

I’ve already seen The Westport Independent described as “Censorship Simulator” online and, honestly, that’s not a bad way to describe it. A totalitarian Loyalist government is instituting policies that will prevent a free media from informing the masses, but the underground Rebels need the help of your newspaper to help sway public opinion and create…

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Video Games Review: Shovel Knight (PS4, 2015)

There’s been a resurgence in games that trade in the nostalgia surrounding the 8-bit NES-era in the last few years. Where many of the games that seek to capitalise in the look and feel of those games, they rarely capture what really made them special. Shovel Knight isn’t one of those games. Shovel Knight doesn’t…

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PAX AUS 2015: Scott Ludlam says the government isn’t working hard enough to support local devs

Greens senator Scott Ludlam had some very choice words for the Australian government on the Boss Level panel at PAXAus on Saturday, saying in no uncertain terms that they are not doing enough to support the local games industry.

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Video Games Review: Hacknet (PC, 2015)

Hacknet is a largely text-based game about the perils and quiet victories that come with being a real world hacker. Adelaide developer Team Fractal Alligator (aka Matt Trobianni) has created a game that deals in mental jousts and proves that you can still make a text-based adventure in 2015 that is thrilling and addictive.

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Razer acquires Ouya, promises to pay any indie devs Ouya still owes

Earlier this week, Android-based micro console manufacturer Ouya was acquired by peripheral and gaming PC maker Razer. As sometimes happens when one company absorbs another, all their dirty secrets go with them.

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Here are your PlayStation Plus freebies for July

PlayStation Plus subscribers will be getting their six free games during July and the lineup for the month is made up entirely of awesome indie titles. This month sees four of the six titles available on PlayStation 4. Rocket League, Styx: Master of Shadows, MouseCraft and Entwined. PS3 owners aren’t being left out completely, getting SCEJ’s Rain free of charge and…

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