
The Iris Interview: Christopher Nolan, Jonathan Nolan and Emma Thomas talk about working on Interstellar

Out today on Blu-Ray and DVD in Australia, Director/Writer/Producer Christopher Nolan, Writer Jonathan Nolan and Producer Emma Thomas sat down to talk about their epic space film Interstellar, following our chat last week with the cast. Interstellar is a big space adventure, but a substantive portion of the film is a very intimate family drama,…

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The Iris Interview: Matthew McConaughey, Jessica Chastain and Anne Hathaway talk about working on Interstellar.

Ahead of its release on DVD and Blu-Ray next week (April 8th), Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway and Jessica Chastain sat down to talk about working on Christopher Nolan’s epic Insterstellar – from the space suit to the film’s strong female characters – plus Matthew’s Academy Award and space exploration. Read on: What were the challenges of…

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The Five Best Motion Picture Soundtracks of 2014

Kat Czornij counts down her five favourite motion picture soundtracks of 2014. To avoid any confusion, this list only takes into account the original soundtracks – the ones that feature the film scores and original compositions – rather than the soundtracks inspired by a motion picture. You know, the one that has 14 tracks that…

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Film Review: Interstellar (M) (USA, 2014)

It’s easy to write about a film that was a bit more average than you’d expected; it’s much, much more difficult writing about a film like this, without making it sound like you are just gushing through a stream of superlatives between cast names and plot points. What Christopher Nolan has done with Interstellar is…

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Our Five Favourite Christopher Nolan Films… So Far.

With his highly anticipated new film Interstellar opening on Thursday, it’s easy to be confident that Christopher Nolan has delivered us a cinematic marvel. A quick look at his track record shows that his level of quality makes him one of the best filmmakers of our time. He pushes the boundaries of technology, limiting the…

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Win a double pass to see Interstellar at IMAX Darling Harbour, Sydney!

In the future, governments and economies across the globe have collapsed, food is scarce, NASA is no more, and the 20th Century is to blame. A mysterious rip in spacetime opens and it’s up to whatever is left of NASA to explore and offer up hope for mankind. Mainly based on the scientific theories and…

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Matthew McConaughey races to save mankind in new Interstellar trailer

Christopher Nolan’s first non-Batman film since the critically and commercially acclaimed Inception hits cinemas in one month. Just let that sink in. We will be watching a new original Christopher Nolan film in a matter of weeks. That film is Interstellar, and it is shaping up to be something pretty spectacular. Plot details are incredibly scarce at the…

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New trailer for Interstellar promises another Christopher Nolan masterpiece

Normally this part of an article is used to give the reader some background to the news item that the article is dealing with. It will serve as a way to get the reader intrigued by the news so that they are actively engaged by the time they read the actual news. But you don’t…

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Matthew McConaughey leaves Earth behind in the new trailer for Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar

A new Christopher Nolan film is an event that is matched by few others when it comes to audience expectations. After blowing us all away with his Dark Knight trilogy and amazing us with the mind-bending awesomeness of Inception, you can always bet that Nolan has something special up his sleeve. Very little is known…

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First Look Trailer: Christopher Nolan’s “Interstellar” (USA, 2014)

The Iris brings you the first look official trailer for Interstellar, directed by the acclaimed Christopher Nolan and starring Matthew McConaughey. The trailer introduces us, vaguely, to the film’s premise, with a brief period of shots from the film and found footage from the history of American space exploration. Interstellar opens nationally in Australia on…

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