PAX Aus 2018: Hands on with Resident Evil 2

For those old enough to have played Resident Evil 2 the first time around (or perhaps later in one of its numerous ports), there will be a lot about Capcom’s ground-up remaster that will feel familiar. There will also be a lot that is wholly new. In updating a twenty year old game for a…

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Xbox Australia just announced the most ridiculous new PUBG controller

Xbox Australia are celebrating the launch of PLAYERUNKNOWN’s Battlegrounds 1.0 with an extremely limited new Xbox One controller. On the surface of it, it doesn’t appear different to any other themed hardware — new colour scheme, limited run tied into a popular title — but there is a difference. It’s greaseproof. Yeah, no, you read…

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eSports fever hits Hong Kong as three-day EMF begins

While Asia is certainly not lacking when it comes to regular events for eSports fans, Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) are throwing their sizable hat in the ring this weekend with the return of the now annual ICBC (Asia) e-Sports & Music Festival (EMF). Kicking off last night with a fluffy of dramatic bass drops…

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Melbourne would fare better than Sydney in a zombie apocalypse according to new State of Decay 2 study

If you’re a researcher, it must be fun when PR comes to you with a dopey pitch. I’m sure the Centre for Disease Management and Public Safety at Melbourne University had a great time with Xbox ANZ’s pitch for a study to promote State of Decay 2. Its focus: “How would cities in Australia and New…

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PlayStation Network has been borked for three days, still borked right now

It hasn’t been a great weekend for the old PlayStation Network. Outages and hitches have plagued the service on a weekend that saw the launch of two high profile titles.

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Xbox Australia are releasing IRL PUBG supply drops across the nation this weekend

Fans of the immensely popular online shooter PlayerUnknown‘s Battlegrounds in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane, get ready to mobilise. Xbox Australia are, perhaps irresponsibly, planning to release real world versions of the game’s coveted supply drops into your neighbourhood this very weekend.

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Look at these killer tees that came out of that Nintendo & Uniqlo collab

Popular Japanese clothing brand Uniqlo is bringing their range of Nintendo-themed tees to Australian shores this week. The designs are pulled from the UTGP2017  global t-shirt design competition, were handpicked by Nintendo and video game royalty Shigeru Miyamoto and now you can get them if you want them.

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PAX AUS 2016: Day Three Wrap Up

The sun has set on the third and final day of PAX Aus 2016. As the the last punters streamed of the Final Round of the Omegathon in Main Hall, there was a genuine sense of glumness mingled with satisfaction in the air. PAX is over for another year and we’re deeply bummed about that,…

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PAX AUS 2016: Day Two Wrap Up

Day Two of PAX Australia 2016 brought out the crowds, packing the queue room to get into the expo hall to capacity. The halls were filled with happy faces and the atmosphere was one of positivity and excitement. Here’s what we got up to.

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SEGA announces new Daytona, will return venerable racer to arcades

For a generation of kids in the 90’s, the act of going to the movies demanded that certain rituals be observed: You would call ahead and listen to the voicemail read out the session times. Choc top ice creams needed to be purchased and consumed before the trailers began (this remains true today). Finally, a…

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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is bringing IRL Sweet Rolls to Sydney (and your kitchen)

When Bethesda’s epic The Elder Scrolls V: Skyim was first released in 2011 it came to no one’s surprise that the video game almost immediately hit cult classic status; it remains as loved to this day. The impressively vast, cleverly paced, and wondrously engaging action RPG has become a cultural touchstone, reaching a point very…

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GX Australia 2017’s Kickstarter enters its final 48 hours

With only AU$17,000 remaining, the Kickstarter for GX Australia 2017 has entered its final 48 hours and it needs your support now more than ever.

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The largest EB Games store in the world opens in Sydney today

Video games retailer EB Games is opening its flagship Sydney store tonight, a blend of EB Games and its sister store Zing Pop Culture and the largest in the worldwide chain’s network of stores. 

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