Jack Anthony

New Music Discoveries 22nd September: Hana & Jessie-Lee’s Bad Habits, Bleachers, and more

Ten more tracks have been added to our Discovery playlist on Spotify and Apple Music, including two tracks we had exclusive premieres for earlier in the week. We’re injecting a bit of extra twang into the playlist this week with “The Tallest of Tales”, the new single from Hana & Jessie-Lee’s Bad Habits – our Track…

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Exclusive Single Premiere: Jack Anthony “Call My Name” (2023)

It’s hard to believe that Dharug/Western Sydney-based indie-rock artist Jack Anthony only released his debut single, “On My Own” in July this year. Today we are thrilled to have the premiere of the follow-up, “Call My Name” and it’s an absolute belter. “Call My Name” is a rollicking slice of indie rock. The emotive lyrics are…

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