Jack Whitehall

Film Review: Jungle Cruise is charming, old-fashioned fun bolstered by the chemistry of Dwayne Johnson and Emily Blunt

As much as Jungle Cruise owes its filmic inception to the success of fellow Disney-theme-park-attraction-turned-blockbuster Pirates of the Caribbean, this light-hearted, gloriously old-fashioned adventure is just as much in debt to such titles as The Mummy and The African Queen. And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with honouring the spirit of those films in such a…

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Win a copy of the British mini-series Decline & Fall on DVD

The period-comedy mini-series Decline & Fall, based on the 1928 novel by the English author Evelyn Waugh, has recently been released on DVD and to celebrate we’ve got TEN DVD copies to give away! The show stars Jack Whitehall (Fresh Meat) as Paul Pennyfeather, a dedicated divinity student set upon a quiet life of contemplation as…

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