Saudade [soh-dah-duh] Noun: A nostalgic or melancholic state of longing for something or someone you love, with the knowledge that it may never return. West Australian artist Jacobus Capone’s Forgiving Night for Day is a reflective exploration of the Portuguese word ‘saudade,’ and a celebration of the musical genre Fado as a symbol of Lisbon and…
Read moreWith the 2017 Perth International Arts Festival kicking off in just a matter of days, we’ve run through the artsy smorgasbord that is this year’s program, and are bringing you our tips on what not to miss in the coming weeks. So these are 8 things we think you shouldn’t miss over the course of…
Read moreThemes of migration, reconciliation, accessibility and empathy form the heart of Perth International Arts Festival’s 2017 programming. Over the course of 24 days, from Feb 10th to March 5th, Perth will play host to over 700 artists from around the world, to 11 Australian exclusives and to 5 World premieres, all to better understand and…
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