Jake Stone

Revisiting one of the best soundtracks of the 1990’s: Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo + Juliet

June 7th will see Sydney’s Enmore Theatre host one helluva love in for fans of Baz Luhrmann‘s Romeo + Juliet, when some of the country’s favourite vocalists will perform the beloved soundtrack in full. Featuring Hayley Mary (The Jezabels), Jake Stone (Bluejuice), Ella Hooper (Killing Heidi), Cash Savage and more, the event will also feature special guest vocalist Quindon Tarver, who you might remember…

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Courtyard Sessions returns to the Seymour Centre with 8 free all-age events over 7 weeks!

The Seymour Centre will be providing Sydneysiders the opportunity to get involved in some fantastic free concerts with their Courtyard Sessions, returning in February with a stellar line up of musicians. Enjoy the last weeks of summer with free tunes, and some great food and drink options on offer. Roaming perfomers, family friendly games and…

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