James Cameron

Film Review: Alien: Romulus is an atmospheric blend of old-school respect and new-school brazen

Whilst Alien: Romulus is the seventh in the line of Alien features – ninth if you count the Alien Vs Predator movies (and it’s okay if you don’t, because…choices) – Fede Alvarez‘s nasty, carnivorous entry is a stand-alone sequel placed between Ridley Scott’s defining original, 1979’s Alien, and James Cameron’s continuation, 1986’s Aliens; Alvarez and…

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Film Review: Avatar: The Way of Water is a visual, immersive spectacle that lacks a certain narrative thrill

Whilst there are those that will sternly attest that 2009’s Avatar was an impactful piece of cinema with a lasting relevance, there’s the equally valid counterpoint that beyond the special effects and its introductory lesson to the 3D technique it’s a movie that doesn’t have the emotional weight it so wants to believe it has. …

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Film Review: Terminator: Dark Fate is enjoyable surface-level fodder that’s unable to bring anything new to the genre table

The release of Terminator 2: Judgement Day in 1991 was proof that the oft-expected “inferior sequel” is a projection able to be shattered. It surely helped that that film was helmed by the original director, James Cameron, and in bringing the visionary filmmaker back on board for this fifth sequel, there’s somewhat of an expectation…

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Film Review: Alita: Battle Angel (USA, 2019) is faithful to its source material and very entertaining, when love isn’t in the air

English-language live-action film adaptations of manga/anime source material have been quite problematic, to say the least. While most of the films just fail to capture the spirit of the source material due to bad filmmaking (eg. Fist of the North Star, Death Note [2017]), other examples fail just due to the fact that they did…

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The Best of the Fest: 5 must-see events at Vivid Ideas 2018

Vivid Sydney is coming to town and this means our city will be adorned with colourful light displays. This festival also comes with a host of wonderful shows, especially those talks and events that fall under the Vivid Ideas banner. The AU Review have put together our top 5 must see Vivid Ideas events. 1….

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Opinion: Yes, Wonder Woman is a creation of “male Hollywood”, but her film is anything but “the same old thing”

It was only recently that I was walking into my local cinema, almost shaking with excitement, as I sat down to witness the feature film debut of one of the most iconic characters in modern history – something I had been anticipating for the better half of two years. It was an event that had…

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Here’s everything we know about James Cameron’s Alita: Battle Angel

Reported yesterday by Variety, it was announced that actress Eiza Gonzalez has officially joined the cast for James Cameron’s Alita: Battle Angel, the film based on Yukito Kishiro’s Battle Angel Alita manga. Gonzalez will be joining fellow actors Rosa Salazar, Jackie Earle Haley, Ed Skrein, and Christoph Waltz. Alita: Battle Angel will be directed by Robert Rodriguez (From…

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James Cameron announces 4 Avatar sequels

At 20th Century Fox’s CinemaCon presentation on Thursday, director James Cameron announced that there  will be 4 sequels to 2009’s Avatar. “We’ve begun to bump up against the limitations of our art form,” said Cameron, “there’s just too much story.” Although they are subject to change, Cameron reeled off some expected dates for the films: Avatar…

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James Cameron reveals new details about the upcoming Avatar trilogy in new interview

Toruk: The First Flight, a Cirque du Soleil show inspired by James Cameron’s Avatar – which is the highest grossing film of all time… for now – just premiered in Cirque’s hometown of Montreal. And in anticipation of the show, Cameron sat down with the Montreal Gazette to talk about it – and give out…

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