Over the weekend the ICC Sydney Convention Centre at Darling Harbour played host to Oz Comic Con Sydney. This would be the first time the pop culture event would be held in the brand new convention centre so it seemed only fitting that for this event we’d be graced by a very special guest in…
Read moreAustralia has had a long standing love affair with Doctor Who and thanks to Oz Comic Con we’ll get the opportunity to meet one of its most popular companions. Jenna Coleman best known as Clara Oswald aka the Impossible Girl will be heading down under and appearing at OzCC’s Brisbane (23-24th Sept) and Sydney (30th…
Read moreIt’s not very often that a new supporting actor on Doctor Who manages to make enough of an impression to be voted the best male guest star in the series for that year. But when Samuel Anderson joined the cast as teacher Danny Pink and love interest for Jenna Coleman’s Clara Oswald, he set hearts…
Read moreWhile Doctor Who has found its next showrunner, the search for the Doctor’s next companion continues, with former-Eastenders star Rakhee Thakrar emerging as an early frontrunner. RadioTimes reported earlier today that Thakrar is on a shortlist of actresses being considered to fill the absence left by the departure of Clara (Jenna Coleman) at the end of the most-recent series….
Read moreAfter last weeks goosebump-inducing episode “Heaven Sent”, this weeks episode “Hell Bent” had a lot to live up to. It had to deliver a compelling conclusion to the season, solve all this hybrid nonsense, and would finally reintroduce the eagerly awaited Gallifery whose disappearance has been teased for several seasons now. With so much to cover, it…
Read moreClara Oswald’s death is something that has been foreshadowed incessantly throughout this season. We’ve caught glimpses into the Doctor understanding that he will inevitably outlive his best friend; we’ve understood that Clara has become dangerously similar to the Doctor; and in the opening chords of this weeks episode “Face The Raven”, it seems that Clara…
Read moreI think I’ve missed something this entire season; when everyone praised “The Witch’s Familiar” as being one of the best episodes in Doctor Who history, I gave it one star. This week, fans are amassed with disappointment after “Sleep No More” – it seems that I’m the only person in all of time space who loved the…
Read more“Since when is Doctor Who political?”, says my Tom Baker adoring mother after seeing the credits roll for “The Zygon Inversion”. Bewildered and a little confused as any long-term fan of the show would be, my mum encapsulates a stark change in the landscape of Doctor Who – that it has the power to transcend…
Read moreThe last time we were treated to an appearance by the Zygons was in the 50th anniversary episode of Doctor Who, titled “The Day of the Doctor”. Foregrounding the episode in recounting that episode, “The Zygon Invasion” had much to live up to. If you don’t recall, “The Day of the Doctor” explored how the Doctor(s)…
Read moreAnother week; another shitty monster. This week marks the third conclusion to Doctor Who’s consecutive two-parter trend, and just like the others, reiterates that it seems that the show may have lost its spark. Last week, we were left with a huge cliffhanger in “The Girl Who Died”; the Doctor left Ashildr (Maisie Williams) immortal, which, through cause and…
Read moreUpon first seeing that picture of Maisie Williams in the TARDIS, I was overwhelmed with excitement; ‘the clash of the fandoms’, I call it – Game of Thrones meets Doctor Who. Combined with my high expectations of her ridiculous acting ability and my dissatisfaction of the past few Who episodes, I had mixed expectations for the fifth…
Read more“Before The Flood”, the fourth episode of season 9, opened with something that I haven’t quite seen in Doctor Who before – the Doctor talking directly to the audience, breaking the fourth wall. The entire first sequence consisted of Peter Capaldi explaining the Bootstrap Paradox. It was fun, unpredictable, and really got you thinking; if a time traveler goes…
Read moreThere are some formulas that, despite it’s fifty-something year reign, Doctor Who can’t seem to shake. The premise for “Under The Lake” is one that we’ve seen time and time again – The Doctor exploring the mystery of a derelict and isolated facility (see “The Impossible Planet” and “Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead”). Yet, despite its repetitive…
Read moreAfter last weeks huge season opener, “The Witch’s Familiar” had a lot to answer for – we needed to know what the Doctor decided to do regarding boy Davros, how Missy and Clara would come back from the dead (because they have to), and what would come of Skaro – the planet of the Daleks…
Read moreIt seems that the Doctor Who Gods read my article on the things I really want to happen this season, gifting me with more Missy, a two-parter, a dark tone, and the mother of all nods to past seasons – bringing into question something that the Fourth Doctor said many moons ago – who created Davros?
Read moreDoctor Who returns to our TV screens this Sunday, and we’re a little bit excited about it. Few more so than our writer Ally Koster, who will be our resident Doctor Who writer for this season. As she gets excited for the new season, she’s put together seven things she wants to see happen in…
Read moreDoctor Who‘s Jenna Coleman was the star attraction at the second day of Armageddon Expo over the weekend in Melbourne. Kimberley Salmond was there and brings us back some of the things asked to Jenna during the Q&A, and how she answered! Have you ever suggested ideas to Steven (Moffat)? No, you have to be…
Read moreIf there is one thing Doctor Who has become stellar at over the years, it’s throwing a spanner into the works, just when the audience is comfortable and thinks they know what is happening. “Flatline” is that point for Season 8. While it takes the ‘Doctor Lite’ format and shows off Clara more than ever as a strong and…
Read moreSo here we are at the midway point of the eighth season of revived Who. And what a ride it’s been. I’m not sure about anyone else but I feel like Capaldi’s first season as The Doctor has flown by and Jenna? Who’d have thought Clara would have developed into the character we’ve seen her become, especially in the last…
Read more…Or also known as “The One That Screwed With the Canon. Again.” Steven Moffat’s scripting of this Season 8 adventure sees our favourite Time Lord and his companion work their way through a narrative which would ultimately leave the fandom divided and talking. We all know Moffat is at the top of his game when he’s…
Read moreAs the new Doctor Who (Peter Capaldi) and his faithful companion Clara “The Impossible Girl” Oswald get ready to hit screens together for the first time*, they have embarked on a World Tour to promote the iconic BBC series’ much anticipated return. And today this tour has taken them to Sydney, following hysteria in Seoul,…
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