Jennifer Lee

Film Review: Frozen 2 is a strong sequel that affirms family bonds with the courage of venturing into the unknown

It’s a tough ask for a sequel to be as good, or better than its predecessor. Obviously Disney is resting high hopes on Frozen 2 to be as big as the original 2013 film, and box office numbers so far are already looking promising with $127 million in the US and a worldwide launch of…

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Ava DuVernay to direct film adaptation of A Wrinkle in Time

Director of Selma, Ava DuVernary will be directing Disney’s A Wrinkle in Time movie adaptation. Co-director and writer of Frozen, Jennifer Lee will be writing the screenplay for the Madeleine L’Engle’s book for Disney. The story follows children travelling through time, visiting strange worlds in hopes to finding their missing scientist father. Lee was very fond…

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