Jim Beaver

Exclusive Interview: Jim Beaver reflects on his time as Whitney Ellsworth on the series Deadwood

In the final interview from our Oz Comic-Con Interview series for 2015, Larry Heath sits down with actor Jim Beaver to reflect on his role as Whitney Ellsworth on the series Deadwood: ———- This content has recently been ported from its original home on The Iris and may have formatting errors – images may not…

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Exclusive Interview: Jim Beaver chats about playing Bobby Singer on Supernatural; looks to Season 11 and beyond

We caught up with Jim Beaver – best known for his role as Bobby Singer on the long running series Supernatural. While he was in Australia for Oz Comic-Con last month we caught up with the actor to talk about the series, his experiences to now and we look ahead to Season 11 and beyond!…

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Event Review: Oz Comic-Con Sydney – Exhibition Centre Glebe Island (26-27.09.15)

Over the last few years there has been a steady rise in the popularity of the pop culture convention. Oz Comic Con Sydney was held over the weekend and we went along to check out the movie and TV star guests, the wares on sale by various exhibitors and artists and the ever increasing numbers…

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Exclusive Interview: Supernatural actor Jim Beaver talks about working with Guillermo del Toro on Crimson Peak

Actor Jim Beaver – best known for his work on the series Supernatural and Deadwood – talks exclusively to The Iris about his role in the upcoming thriller Crimson Peak, and working with director Guillermo del Toro on the project – alongside the likes of Tom Hiddleston, Jessica Chastain, Mia Wasikowska and Charlie Hunnam. Watch the…

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