jj abrams

Seven reasons HBO’s blockbuster new series Westworld will be TV’s next big addiction

From the mind of the late Michael Crichton (Jurassic Park, Andromena Strain) and based on the 1973 film of the same name comes Westworld. Westworld is about a futuristic theme park populated by artificial beings to make the guests feel as if they are back in the Wild West and it’s HBO’s latest entry to add…

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Lessons we hope Star Trek: Beyond learned from Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Although the upcoming Star Trek Beyond is the first post-reboot film in the franchise that JJ Abrams isn’t Directing, there’s a lot that the film could learn from the success of Abram’s recent Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Female agency Star Trek’s post-reboot treatment of Uhura has been pretty well-received but in comparison to what…

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SXSW: J.J. Abrams Introduces Secrets of the Force Awakens documentary

The feature-length documentary Secrets of the Force Awakens premiered at SXSW this week. Abrams introduced the film, set to be bundled in with the Blu-ray release of The Force Awakens, to SXSW attendees. “What’s so cool about this is that it shows and highlights the people who put their heart and soul into making The…

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Film Review: 10 Cloverfield Lane (USA, 2016)

Producer J.J Abrams is a big fan of mystery, so the frugal promotional campaign leading up to 10 Cloverfield Lane, a film that is conceptually linked to shaky-cam monster classic Cloverfield, really wasn’t all that surprising. A trailer was randomly sprung upon us featuring serial scene-stealer John Goodman getting smacked over the head with a…

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Final pair of teasers and poster released for 10 Cloverfield Lane

J.J. Abrams‘ latest mystery box, 10 Cloverfield Lane,  will release this week and on the eve of this release, Bad Robot have let loose a final cryptic poster for the film, along with two more teasers. The first teaser is simply titled ‘Table’, check it out below. The other teaser, ‘Windows’, offers up a similarly enigmatic glimpse…

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TV Review: 11.22.63 Season 1 Episodes 1 & 2 (USA, 2016)

Stan have certainly beefed up their exclusive offerings this year, snagging not only the rights to stream content from Showtime but also currently going through Hulu original series 11.22.63, a period-drama that benefits heavily from having J.J Abrams serving as producer and Bridget Carpenter (of Friday Night Lights) as showrunner. The miniseries event throws James…

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JJ Abrams confirms an openly-gay character will be coming to a galaxy far far away

Speaking at this weekend’s Oscar Wilde Awards, The Force Awakens-director J.J. Abrams confirmed that fans should expect to see an openly-gay character in future installments of the franchise. “When I talk about inclusivity it’s not excluding gay characters. It’s about inclusivity. So of course” “To me, the fun of Star Wars is the glory of…

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Five theories inspired by the original Cloverfield

10 Cloverfield Lane comes out next month, so there’s never been a better time to revisit the first Cloverfield. Released in 2008, the film blended found-footage, disaster and monster movies in some really exciting ways. Like almost everything JJ Abrams has touched, it has its fair share of detractors – but also a lot of fans. Consequently,…

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2017 Release date for JJ Abrams’ Space Thriller God Particle confirmed

Paramount and JJ Abrams’ Bad Robot Productions have set a date for Space Thriller, God Particle  to be released February 24 2017. The story follows a team of astronauts making a terrifying discovery which challenges the notion of reality and their desperate fight for survival. Nigerian-American filmmaker Julius Onah will be directing the film with no cast…

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The first full trailer for J.J. Abrams’ new time-travel series starring James Franco is here

Exclusive to streaming service Hulu, a time-travel thriller/drama created by Star Wars: The Force Awakens Director J.J. Adrams will be released later this year. Titled after and based on Stephen King novel 11.22.63, the eight-part series will star James Franco as a teacher who travels back in time to try and prevent the assassination of…

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JJ Abrams releases new behind-the-scenes reel for Star Wars: The Force Awakens during San Deigo Comic-con panel

We were told prior to yesterday afternoon’s panel not to expect a new trailer for the upcoming seventh film in the Star Wars saga, The Force Awakens. While Disney were good to their word on that one, we did end up getting a quick look at the film anyway. The behind the scenes reel gives a quick…

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Film Review: Star Trek: Into Darkness (USA, 2013)

JJ Abrams helms an explosive larger than life sequel in Star Trek: Into Darkness but does it live up to the hype and fanfare? And furthermore, can it survive the nitpicky Trekkies? As somebody who is definitely NOT a Trekkie and unfamiliar with the universe aside from a very basic knowledge of who Kirk and…

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