Joel Creasey

MICF Review: Joel Creasey: Poser (Performances until April 23rd)

I am no stranger to the man that is Joel Creasey and with a career as successful as his, you’re a downright nuffy if you haven’t heard of him! I saw his show at last year’s MICF and looooved it, but there is something about this year’s that is a whole other level. Yes, Creasey will…

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Joel Creasey and Chrissie Swan to present variety event 4 Orlando, in support of victims of Pulse Nightclub shooting

On July 9th, Melbourne’s Comedy Theatre will play host to some of Australia’s hottest comedians, singers, and media personalities, all coming together in support of those affected by the mass shooting at gay nightclub Pulse on June 16th. Part glittering show of solidarity between the Australian and American gay communities, and part concentrated effort to…

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Find out what exactly makes a man at Giant Dwarf with Peter Fitzsimmons, Joel Creasey and more.

What Makes A Man? is a panel discussion exploring masculinity, social pressures and meanings of attraction. The panel features some impressive personalities including renowned Australian journalist Peter Fitzsimmons, stand up comedian Joel Creasey, supermodel Kate Peck, and Nova’s entertaining radio personality Tim Blackwell, as well as I-Manifest founder Jo Pretyman. Chairing the panel is The Chaser’s funnyman…

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Comedy Review: Joel Creasey – The Crown Prince at Max Watt’s

After appearing in last year’s season of I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here, Joel Creasey has fast become one of Australia’s favourite celebrities. Creasey’s show at this year’s Melbourne International Comedy Festival is appropriately titled The Crown Prince because, well, why not? This latest work from Creasey details all the highlights from his…

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