Jonah Hill

Film Review: How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (USA, 2019) is a fitting end to a coming of age saga

When Cressida Cowell’s book series How To Train Your Dragon was developed into a film, its success took the world by storm and spawned a number of television series, short films, video games and even live performance shows. Now the third, and final film installment has arrived with How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden…

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Film Review: Don’t Worry, He Won’t Get Far on Foot (USA, 2018) is a charming crowd-pleaser with a dash of irreverent humour

It may not seem like it, but it’s been ten years since director Gus Van Sant gave us the powerful and Oscar-winning biopic Milk. Since then, the filmmaker has been in somewhat of a slump, with three films (Restless, Promised Land, and The Sea of Trees) falling flat on their faces. You probably didn’t see any of them and you…

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First Impressions: Netflix’s mind-bending Maniac starring Emma Stone and Jonah Hill from True Detective Director

With series like House of Cards and Orange is the New Black, Netflix has cemented themselves as a platform that regularly delivers exciting original formats to binge watch. Well known for giving their writers and directors plenty of creative space to develop new material, series like like Black Mirror and Stranger Things have flourished. And now we have the thrilling Maniac, which playfully exhausts…

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Film Review: War Dogs (M15+) (USA, 2016) is a comic surprise

Pain and Gain. The Wolf of Wall Street. Scarface. What do these films have in common? The characters are all on a quest to achieve their own versions of the American Dream. They are all about greed and the seduction of power that shows that absolute power corrupts absolutely. But what makes the first two…

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Film Review: Sausage Party (MA15+) (USA, 2016) is hilariously fun and… thought-provoking?

Seth Rogen has always been associated with stoner humour and raunchy comedy, but in the case of Sausage Party, he takes it to a whole new level. With animated films that have anthropomorphised objects like toys (i.e. the Toy Story films) and cars (i.e. Cars), Rogen had the idea to anthropomorphise consumer products while retaining…

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The true story of two small time stoners and their $300 million arms contract revealed in trailer for War Dogs

A 2011 Rolling Stones article titled The Stoner Arms Dealers: How Two American Kids Became Big-Time Weapons Traders has been turned into a motion picture, and its full trailer has finally hit the net. The story of Efraim Diveroli and his partner David Packouz, is the curious tale of two boys completely out of their element and…

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Golden Age Cinemas welcomes the Coen brothers with special movie screenings in celebration of Hail, Caesar!

Golden Age Cinemas will be saluting the writer and director duo Joel and Ethan Coen next week to celebrate the release of their latest film, Hail, Caesar!  Golden Age will be presenting the film with an all-star cast including Josh Brolin, George Clooney, Scarlett Johansson, Ralph Fiennes, Channing Tatum, Tilda Swinton, Frances McDormand, Jonah Hill and…

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Jonah Hill and Miles Teller become arms-dealers in War Dogs trailer

Military-industrial comedy War Dogs has its first trailer. The film, based on a true story, will see Jonah Hill and Miles Teller take on the role of two friends who exploit a little-known government initiative that allows small businesses to bid on U.S. Military contracts during the Iraq war. Check out the trailer below: War Dogs…

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Film Review: 22 Jump Street (MA15+) (USA, 2014)

When it was first announced a few years ago that Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill would be starring in a comedy reboot of the popular 1980’s TV series 21 Jump Street, sceptics around the world raised their eyebrows. To put it bluntly, it sounded like a stupid idea. No one was really holding out for a…

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New 22 Jump Street clip: “Twins”

We’re only a few weeks away from the release of comedy sequel 22 Jump Street, and publicity for the film is heating up. Just a couple of weeks after the release of the last clip from the film, Sony has released a clip from another scene. The new clip sees Schmidt (Jonah Hill) and Jenko (Channing Tatum) meeting their…

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New red band 22 Jump Street clip: “Going to College”

No-one really expected much from 21 Jump Street back in 2012. In the age of reboot fatigue, a reboot of a teen cop TV series from the 80’s didn’t sound like a great idea. Much to everyone’s surprise the film was a huge hit and one of the best comedies released in some time. The…

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22 Jump Street gets a Hilarious Red Band Trailer. Watch it here!

The Iris presents the new trailer for 22 Jump Street, starring Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum. Note: this is the uncut, red band trailer and it contains coarse language and adult themes. In the action-comedy 22 Jump Street, after making their way through high school (twice), big changes are in store for officers Schmidt (Jonah…

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