Josef Salvat

The AU Review’s 20 best albums of 2020 (so far…)

2020 has surely been a weird year, and you’d be forgiven for being a bit taken aback when we remind you that we’re halfway through it already. Since at least mid-March, many have largely been in lockdown, economies have threatened collapse, bushfires have devastated, systemic racism has been confronted head-on, and we have been rightfully…

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modern anxiety

Album Review: On modern anxiety (2020 LP) Josef Salvat strikes a balance between style and substance

Josef Salvat’s sophomore album modern anxiety is one that rewards repeat listens. I write this as someone who initially didn’t really rate it highly. Sure, several of the singles really hit their mark, but on first listen the album as a whole didn’t work for me. Yet, further listens, and closer listens, reveal an album…

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Travel Diary: Sydney’s Josef Salvat takes us to Brighton, England

Josef Salvat takes the AU review along on his tour of England for The Great Escape last year. Salvat brings us quirky photos of his trip including his visit to Brighton, chill days at the beach, seeing live bands like Slaves and stumbling upon a pigeon that oddly enough, gives him a new perspective on…

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