Jupiter Ascending

DVD Review: Jupiter Ascending (M) (USA/Australia, 2015)

When The Wachowskis make a new film, we take notice. There is this endless desire we have as film fanatics that we’ll see them pull out something as impressive as their classic sci-fi film The Matrix. Time and time again fans and critics are disappointed, as proven by fairly low Rotten Tomatoes scores, poor word…

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Film Review: Jupiter Ascending (M) (USA/Australia, 2015)

When The Wachowskis make a new film, we take notice. There is this endless desire we have as film fanatics that we’ll see them pull out something as impressive as their classic sci-fi film The Matrix. Time and time again fans and critics are disappointed, as proven by fairly low Rotten Tomatoes scores, poor word…

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Mila Kunis and Channing Tatum fight for Earth in the new trailer for sci-fi epic Jupiter Ascending

Andy and Lana Wachowski have never achieved the same level of success as they did in 1999 when they unleashed The Matrix on the world. This is fair enough, given the fact that very few directors would ever be able to repeat the originality and mind-blowing innovation of a film as good the The Matrix. The Wachowskis…

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Expand your universe with the second trailer for the Wachowskis’ Jupiter Ascending

Andy and Lana Wachowski gave us one of the greatest sci-fi films of all time when they unleashed The Matrix upon us back in 1999. The film is still regarded as a classic amongst most circles, but the 2003 sequels failed to repeat the critical success of the original. Their filmography since has only included Speed Racer (2008) and…

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