Katie McGrath

Armageddon Expo Christchurch set for largest convention yet!

It’s only been a few weeks since Armageddon Expo shot an arrow through the hearts of Wellingtonians with its Easter event featuring Marvel’s own Hawkeye, Jeremy Renner. But last week through the course of the week they teased and dropped guest names daily for their forthcoming Christchurch event and it’s set to be their biggest…

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We get our first look at Guy Richie’s King Arthur: Legend of the Sword

There’s been King Arthurs before and there will probably be King Arthurs to come, but how many of them will have Guy Ritchie in the director’s seat? If you were wondering how the man who made Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels would take on a tale from the 6th century, San Diego Comic Con…

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